The blue eyed stare

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I cuddled myself close to the fire, hiding under a thick woolen blanket I've been carrying with myself since we left Ered Luin. It was a warm September night, stars shone brightly on thr sky and we were camping in a small " forest" ( actually it was three trees standing in the middle of endless bare plains ).

Everyone was already asleep but somehow I couldn't close my eyes. I kept thinking about Bilbo, Galadriel's words about love... Something felt so strange. Do I know the man ? I looked around and started observing the dwarves.

Bofur ? He's my best friend, he always treated me very nicely... I've grown very fond of him, really, but... I don't think he is the one.
Next to him lied Bifur. Weird fellow. I'm not saying that I'm normal, actually I don't talk more than he does...

Bombur ? No way ! First: He's already married, second : Not my type, third : too big.
So, the next is... Ori. Very sweet dwarf. We've been good friends since a young age, howewer we've never shared anything common.

Nori... Well... I don't want to be
cruel but... The hairstyle...
Dori is too old. Balin ? The same.
Dwalin... He is really nice and kind but also he can be really hard and tough.
Oin and Gloin ? One deaf, another married.

And then we have my brothers... Kili and Fili. They are handsome, I can't lie. Pieces of dwarven beauty that is hard to find. Both brave and bold, kind, empathic, loving, generous... Everything you would wish for in a man. But they were my brothers.

I moved my eyes to the last figure, lying under a tree. My uncle, Thorin. His beauty was very rare, so royal and proud. But his heart... It was kind, yes. But too stubborn.

None of these dwarves seem to be the man I dream of. Who is it then ? Who ? I was so tired from thinking tat I finally close my eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke up I saw someone starring at me. His eyes I've never seen before, still they looked so familiar. Blue as cold lake they were, with small freckles of green, like lake plants growing in the water. The eyes sparkled as stars, bright and beautiful. I didn't see anything except them, but they were enough.

Enough to know who they belong to. The love of my life now gazed at me, without words but with so deep feelings and so much passiom I couldn't even describe. This blue eyed stare filled my soul with pleasment and joy, I could feel my heart beating fast as I leaned closer. I almost felt his hand brushing my cheek, when I realised that it was real. Someone was really brushing my cheek, but it wasn't him.

" Thorin?" I asked surprised when I found his worried blue eyes glancing at me.
" I'm sorry I scared you."
" No it's alright but... What are you doing here ?"
" Nathíniel I... I wanted to apologizee."
" Thorin you already did !" I didn't understand him at all.
" Yes but I... I want to do so again."
I sat and took his warm, strong hand.

" Tell me Thorin, what is wrong ?"
" I......... I can't loose you Nathíniel. I know it's selfish of me but I can't. I really can't."
" You never will. " I smiled and brushed his cheek.
" I will be always here for you. Goodnight Thorin." I whispered and he walked away happily.

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