A long expected journey

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They left him there. Without caring that he might want to help us, without even hoping that there is a chance that he could be the burglar we need.

Now we were riding our ponies through a forest, starting the journey all of us wanted to go on. I wonder what it'll be like. See the golden halls again...

" Wait ! Wait !" someone suddenly screamed behind us. I turned on my pony and saw Bilbo running to us with a long paper, propably the contract of the quest.
" Bilbo !" I cheered. I knew he would come.

" I signed it !" he handed Balin the paper. He carefully examined it and then happily spoke: " Everything is in order.  Well.. It's a pleasure to welcome you, master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield."

Howewer Thorin didn't seem to br happy about his return. He grumply gave Bilbo a pony, after endless protests he finally sat on it and rode behind us.

" Come on Nori pay up !" called Oin and a small bag of coins landed in his lap.
" You took wagers on me ?" asked Bilbo a bit dissapointed.
" Well... They did. But I trusted you from the very beggining. You have courageous heart Bilbo and I know that once will come a day when they'll all see it." I smiled. Bilbo stayed silence for a while.

" Thank you." he finally spoke.
I gave him a questionable look.
" For believing me. It means a lot for me."
" It is my pleasure Master Baggins." I winked and slowered the pony.


Sun was shining, all around us were beautiful lanscapes. I was sitting on the pony which kind of walked by himself,  with an old scetchbook and pencil. This quest will end once but I will still have my drawings, reminding me of these beautiful moments.

I was just scetching one of the
fluffy clouds when someone walked to me with his pony
" Nathíniel hi "
" Oh hello Bofur. Long time not seen. " I smiled at him.

When we were little we used to play together. I didn't have a lot of friends as a child. Maybe it was for my height and I was also a strange girl, living in my own world. Hower Bofur always understood me.
" Yes. " he giggled. " Still doing those magic drawings my friend ?"
" Kind of." I drew another cloud.
" Can I have look ?"
" No ! It is not finished yet !"
" Let me just see !"
" Bofur please..."
It was too late. My scetchbook was in his hands now.

" This is the most beautiful thing I saw in my entire life !"
I blushed and softly asked:
" Is it ?"
" Yes it's so real... Full of life..."
" You can keep it." I smiled.
" Really ???"
" Yes. " I giggled.
" Once all of this will be done I promise you this picture will hang on my wall in a beautiful frame of gold." he said and carefully packed the paper into his bag.

" I can't wait for that." I said and we rode quitly for a while.
" What do you think of Bilbo ?" I finally asked him.
" The burglar ? Interesting person. Still I think he isn't what we were trying to find."
" Gandalf wouldn't find us someone who doesnt fit the role. And besides, there is something in this hobbit...  something very special." I got lost in thoughts.

" You like him don't you ?" he teased.
" What? No !"
Bofur raised his eyebrows.
" I mean yes, but not like that. He's just... A friend I always desired to have. Brave but calm. Adventurous but also someone who values home."

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