Wandering of the company

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We were still on our way. Today it was terribly raining, it was cold and all my clothes were wet. I was sitting on the pony, my face hidden in hood and raindrops falling on my hair.

" Can't you do something with this horrible weather master Gandalf ?" asked Dori who rode behind me.
" It is raining, master dwarf. And it will continue raining until the end of raining ! If you want to change the weather , you should find yourself another wizard." laughed Gandalf.

I have grown very fond of this fellow. He was wise and also funny, caring but also very powerful. I wonder why is this wizard helping us ? And what did he mean by " another wizard"? He's not alone?

Bilbo thought about the same:
" Are there any ?"
"What?" Gandalf seemed surprised.
" Other wizards?" continued Bilbo.
" Well... Actually there are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman, The White. Then there are the blue wizards. After all those years I still can't remember their names.

"And who is the fifth?" I joined tge conversation.
" Well, that would be Radagast, The Brown."

"Is he a great wizard ?" Bilbo kept asking.

"I think he’s a very great wizard, in his own way. He’s a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals and trees. I think you would get along very good with him Nathíniel." Gandalf raised his eyebrows at me.

" What does he do ?" I asked.
" He keeps an eye on the great forest on the east. It is good, for the evil will not enter that lands as long as Radagast will guard them."

I got lost  in my thoughts for a while. It must be beautiful, taking care of all those beautiful creatures, living in a peaceful forest, no mines, no gold, no dragons... After all I'm an elf.


" Fili, Kili look after the ponies." said Thorin when we stopped for rest near a ruined farm.
"Oin, Gloin, Get the fire going." he continued giving orders.

I sat on a stone near the fire they were preparing and sharpened my arrows. I think I'll need them soon. Thorin and Gandalf were talking to each other apart from us. I didn't want to listen but their voices were too strong.
" I think it would be wiser for us to move on. We could make for the hidden valley." spoke Gandalf.
"But I’ve told you that I will not go near that place."
"Why not? The Elves could help us, we could get food, rest, advice.
" I do not need their advice. They do not care about nothing but themselves."
" What about Nathíniel ? She's an elf and you still care about her.
" You would not call her elf as long ad I'm here !" cried Thorin angrily.
" She is one of my people! I will not let her leave us for some pointy eared princesses with pale faces and straight hair!"
" You know he's there. "

"Who ? Who is there ? Did he mean someone from my lost family ?

While I was asking myself questions Gandalf came back, his face red in angrew.
" Gandalf, where are you going?" asked Bilbo.
"To seek the company of the only one around here who’s got any sense."
"And who’s that?"
"Myself, mister Baggins! It seems like the dwarves are not as I thought."

When he was on his way I grabbed his arm. He turned to me.
" Please be careful." I said.
" There is no need of worries." Gandalf smiled and walked away.

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