I was there

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After Elrond left we stayed near the fountain, thinking. I was a bit shaken from all of this but Lindir seemed to be happy, almost excited:
" It's wonderful! Can you believe it ?"
" Yes..." I sighed. It just wasn't so simple as he imagined it.
" We can stay here, you and me, in safety as brother and sister !"

" Lindir I'm sorry but...I can't."
" Amman ?" he asked, dissapointed.
" Ú- chenithach."
" I will, I will understand, Nathíniel please!"
" Lindir, look. You lived here, raised by our uncle, tought to be an elf, a nobleman and everything which you should had been. There were no orcs to bother you, no goblins nearby, you were here, safe and sound, protected by these walls."

Lindir looked down, he knew I was right.
" But I've lived another life. I found another family. These dwarves..."
I pointed to the other side of Elronds' house where Bofur just threw a sausage into Bombur's mouth which made the table under him break.
" These dwarves raised me, they cared for me and they loved me."
I was so engaged to explaining that I didnt notice Thorin hiding behind a pillar, listening to us.

" And I've grown more than fond of them. They became a part of my life and my heart.
I had the memory of our mother's death. But it is blurred, stuck in the back of my mind.
Although the memory of Dís, the woman who cared for me more than anyone is still fresh and burning as a fire. She died when the orcs came to Ered Luin.
I had lived with my brothers since then. We've been together through so much things."

" You're trying to say that after all those years of me searching for you, you gave up on me ?"
" No ! Of course not !" I took his hands and looked into his deep hazel eyes.
" You are my brother and I can't be more happy to be with you. But you must understand that I was there.

I was there when the enormous and terryfying dragon burned down the city of Dale.
I was there when the ancient kingdom of Erebor fell because the elves turned their back to us.
I was there when thousands of dwarves wandered the wilds without a shelter. I was one of them. I am one of Durin's children. Niece of Thorin Oakenshield."
Lindir's eyes were wide opened as he listened to me.

"I was there when we tried to defend our kingdom of Moria, when Azog the Defiler hold up the cut head of my great grandfather Thrór.
I was there when Thrain, the heir of the throne vanished without any sign and the young dwarven prince had to take an old oaken bark and became the leader of our kin.

You are completely safe but these dwarves are in great danger. They could have stayed in Blue mountains in peace and safety but you should know how much it hurts to loose your home."

Lindir didn't say a word, he felt guilty.
" And if you dont care for them than you could at least care for me, for it is also my home were going to reclaim."
" Goheno nìn. Amin dom, bar balla dhae."
" Hanon le." I smiled and and wrapped my arms around him. My brother.
" If you'll excuse me, we have some business with old maps to do." I waved him and walked away.

Amman ? = Why ?
Ú- chenithach. = You won't understand.
Goheno nìn. Amin dom, bar balla dhae - Forgive me. I was blind, home matters very much
Hanon le. = Thank you

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