The Brown Wizard

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Really interesting man. I thought when I saw the old wizard with a little bird under his big hat. It wasn't just me who was surprised of this special company. Gandalf seemed a bit shaken too.

"What on earth are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to guard the Greenwood ?"
" I was looking for you. Gandalf," he leaned closer to whisper in his ear. Unfortunately I had the ability to hear very well, even when the words were spoken very quietly.

"Something’s wrong. Something’s terribly wrong.
"Yes?" Gandalf asked surprised. What is Radagast talking about ? Did Smaug attack the forest ?? Oh no ! That would be terrible. But actually our treasure could be free.

Other dwarves didn't really mind what are the wizards chatting about. Kili,Fili and Dwalin talked about some weapons, Bombur and Bilbo were telling each other different ways of cooking chickens, Nori and Bofur with Gloin kept observing the beautiful cups they stole from the caves.
Thorin and Balin discussed the problem of entering our lost kingdom. Ori and Dori were playing some sort of word game with Oin who misheard almost everything they said.
But I just stood there, carefully listening to Radagast.

" The Wood is sick, Gandalf. A darkness has fallen over it, and  nothing grows anymore. Only rotten mushrooms and poissoned strawberries, the air is horrible  but worst are the webs.
"Webs? What do you mean?"
" Spiders, Gandalf. Giant ones. Some kind of spawn of Ungoliant, or I’m not a wizard. I followed their trail. They came from Dol Guldur."

That is the old fortress in the south of the Forest ! I used to walk there before this quest. Once it was a nice place, overgrown with flowers, I used to sit there for hours with my book. Sun was always shining... But the last time I visited it something scared me. It was like a dark power, so strong and terrible. The flowers changed into thorny plants, the sky above was grey and full of black clouds. Gandalf didn't know it but I did and so did Radagast.

"It is the shadow of an ancient horror. One that can summon the spirits of the dead." Radagast engaged into his memories.
" I saw him, Gandalf. The Necromancer has come!"
That second I felt something. A bitter cold freezing my heart. It was like a memory, something I knew but I couldn't remember it. No matter what it was, it seems like something worse than a Dragon waits for us.

"The Necromancer. Are you sure?" Gandalf still didn't believe him.
Then Radagast showed him a sword. Black, made from cold iron.
" This blade had taken many lives..." I finally spoke up.
Gandalf turned, surprised that I listened to them.
" She's right Gandalf. It is not even from the world of the living." said Radagast.

Suddenly a howling noise interrupted us.
" Was that a wolf? Are there…are there any wolves ?" Bilbo freaked out.
" That is no wolf, my dear Bilbo." I said. We turned at before us stood a group of black wargs. One of the most dangerous animals in middleearth.
I grabbed my bow and released an arrow. One of the wargs fell down with a huge shreik.
" If there are wargs, an orc pack is not far behind!" cried Thorin, his sword shining as he dodge.

As I was shooting around, I was thinking about one thing. How did the orcs know we're here ? The quest was supposed to be secret. Someone is spying us. And I'm sure he's going to regret it.

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