I'm not a dwarf right ?

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I woke up breathing hard. The dream I've just had... Something was so real about it. It felt like a memory, so deep and alive...

I sat on a rock, wiping the sweat into a linnen blanket. Sky was dark and cloudy, only one bright star could be seen between them.
Fire was burning, the woodsticks were rustling.

Next to me was my leather backpack stuffed with sketchbooks and pencils, a little bottle of ink and papers ( You never know when there will be a time for a good story )

And next to it lied my quiver full of arrows, a wooden bow which always looked very elvish to me and my two long knives.

I wasn't very skilled at using them but it was good to have a plan B when I ran out of arrows

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I wasn't very skilled at using them but it was good to have a plan B when I ran out of arrows.

I wasn't very skilled at using them but it was good to have a plan B when I ran out of arrows

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Fili was curled up in a ball near the fireplace. He was snoring quietly, his eyes were closed and his hair messy. One of his hand was oddly crossing his body and hanging in the air. The other was placed on his chest.

Kili lied next to him in a peaceful position, his legs straightened, his arms on the sides of his body and an adorable smile on his face.

Me and my brothers were already camping near a small village, very closed to another one called Hobbitton.
Why did we need to get there ?

Royal bussiness. Long ago, when my uncle was a bit younger we lived in a kingdom of Erebor. Glorious kingdom of dwarves full of treasures and jewels. But it was stolen from us by a dragon. Smaug he was called. Dangerous and selfish.

That day died so many people like never before. Us- the last 14 descendants of the king stayed, including me and my brothers who wandered the wilds.

Few months ago my uncle met a very strange person. A wizard who said that he knows someone who will helps us to reclaim our mountain back. That is the reason.

Well although I knew all of this dwarvish history I felt like I was different. It wasn't just the height and pointy ears which made me look not as a dwarf but also I could see very distant things, I was a skilled archer and most importantly I felt a bigger love for nature, plants and animals, or music than my brothers and other dwarves did.

I remember that before my mother died, she used to tell me that I am very unique for even when I chiseled something out of metal it didn't look dwarvish at all. And when I was doing the blacksmithing I did it outside for I've always hated mines. I spent my time hiding at the borders of the Green forest which lied next to Erebor, walking, exploring new paths and places, collecting flowers and unique forest fruits, foraging acorns and chestnuts, practising archery, reading books about kings of old, writing fairy tales up in the trees or drawing portraits of my family.

With those thoughts I shivered and looked to the horizon. The scenery was beautiful. Little lamps in the distance, small houses and big gardens hidden under the veil of night. I was so engaged to my gazing that I didn't notice Kili walking to me.

" Nathìniel are you alright ?" he asked and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.
" Isn't it beautiful ?" I asked showing him to look at the village.
" Yes it is. It looks so peaceful."
" Peaceful..."
" I wish we could have a place like that which we could call home."
I didn't say anything just starred at him with scared eyes.

" Something is wrong, Nathìniel you don't need to hide it from me. You're my sister."
" It was just a bad dream."
" You are having them more and more often."
" You know ?"
" Of course I do." he stroke my hair behind my ears and smiled.

" Tell me, what is bothering you ?" he asked again, somehow desperately.
" The dreams... They are a proof of who I am. And the one thing I know is that..." I looked to his eyes, dark brown as burned tree bark.
" I'm not a dwarf right ?"

Kili tried completely surprised. It didn't look real. He didn't know what to say. Did he know something which I did not ?
" Kili... Tell me, am I a dwarf ?"
" Yes... Yes of course... Ehmm... Of course you are... What a ... You are a dwarf.. why..."

" I'm asking you again. I'm not a dwarf right ?" I continued, waiting for him to answer.
He lowered his head and murmured:
" No you're not."
I widened my eyes at him, hungry for explanation. I knew it. I always have.

" And I'm not your real brother, neither is Fili."
" All those years I fought for Durin's people. I cried when our mother died and all of these were lies... tears filled my eyes. I knew it. I always have.

Kili wrapped his arms around me and whispered.
" I love you as my own sister. I always will."
" But if I'm not your own sister, who am I then ?"
" You are... Well, you are an elf."

" I knew it. I knew... The ears.. height... But tell me one thing, if I'm an elf why have you raised me ? Aren't elves our enemy ?"
" This was different. Long ago, it is almost a hundred years, it is before we were born, a horse arrived to the city. It stopped near our house. We thought it was a messenger or just a horse that lost his rider.

But when we wanted to take him inside and give him water, we saw that there was someone sitting on him. A young lady. An elven lady."
" It was me."

" Yes. First we thought that you belonged to the kin of Mirkwood. We were friends with elves back then so we wanted to find you home, but Thorin wanted to keep you.

Until this day he hasn't tell us why, he just told our mother to raise you and care for you. He was young then without any important experiences but our mother listened to him. She saw something special in you too."

" Elven soul." I whispered, gazing at my feet, trying not to look at him.
Howewer he lifted my chin and pierced me with calm words:
" No mather who you are, you will always be my sister."
I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

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