There was once a kingdom

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I sat on the rim of the fountain. Fresh smell of sprinkling water filled my lungs. It was my favourite season, autumn, orange leaves were scattered around the marble floor, sky was flat and dark with shiny little stars decorating her as dots on a gown. Moon was still hidden behind the mountains, laugh of dwarves eating their supper was coming from another part of Elrond's house.

Lindir sat next to me and we both waited for Elrond to start. What was so important for him to tell us ? I wondered.

" It was a matter of time till Lindir would find out that you're alive Nathìniel. Still I didnt tell him anything for it was better for him to know you by himself."
" Tell me who are we ?" asked Lindir, taking my hand.
" Well, you may not be asking the best person but I can tell you that it started long ago."

I looked at Lindir and he looked at me. After hundreds of years of believing that I'm dwarf I will finally know who I am.

"Many do not know" started Elrond. " But there was once a kingdom. Very little but one of the most powerful elven kingdoms in Middleearth."
My eyes went wide as Elrond kept speaking.
" Its name was Dhollenbann which in common tongue means safe and hidden, for there were only few who knew about this place.
It lied under the pass of Misty mountains not so far from this place, and its walls shone upon a single peak sticking out from the hills. That's why men, dwarves and other spieces called it Hidepeak.

Some said it was a Gondolin of the Second age, its halls were golden with beautiful carvings and statues of all kinds, trees of green grew there and wide river of Gladden streamed from the rocks. Its beauty was indescribable and its warriors mighty and brave.

This kingdom was ruled by a Queen, the daughter of Eärendil and Elwing, sister of Elros and Elrond, as you already know. Her name was Nandwen for she was the girl of the valley, fairest of all, her eyes blue as summer sky, her hair black as the darkest night.

She was a strong warrior but one of her loveliest things were stars. She starred at them for hours, she loved the sky more than anything. I sat there next to her many times when she gazed at the pure light. As a gift her father gave her a pendant with a blue gem, inside it was hidden a power of the sky. Unfortunately the pendant was never seen again after her death."

The necklace ! The necklace I found in the troll cave !
I slowly too it out from under my tunic.
" I guess it found its owner." smiled Elrond.
He closed it in my hand and pulled it to my chest.
" Keep it Nathìniel."

" But what was next ? How do we belong to the story ?" Lindir interrupted us.
" Well one day, when I went on a meeting with my future wife Celebrian in Lórien, my sister Nandwen joined me.

Someone who drew her attention there was a young handsome elf, his hair were long and golden and his eyes grey as stormy clouds. He had a beautiful face with soft features and warm smile. One could say he wasnt capable of great deeds. Howewer this young elf was Galadion, son of the one and only Galadriel, lady of light and Celeborn, the prince of Doriath.

The two got happily married and had two children, an elder boy Lindir, which means melodious and sweet. This boy had a royal soul and was destined to be a king. He had a younger sister Nathíniel, who was born to save us. She always found peace in trees and nature, was a great artist and she loved music above all else.

I looked at Lindir and we stayed silent, listening to Elrond.
"Galadion was the greatest king of all and for ages his kingdom in the mountains lived in peace. Until one dark night when the servants of the Dark Lord, the underground goblins attacked the city."

I had this memory. My dream that became real.
" There was fire everywhere, people were screaming, there was no way out." I said, gazing at the horizon, cold wind blowing through my hair. Elrond looked at me without response and continued:
" Both king and queen died, defending their people, but only two survived, descendants of the throne, their children, escaping the evil on a single horse sent by their mother."

" When the horse came, you took me under your shelter, what happened to Nathìniel ?" asked Lindir.
" You were born to be an elven nobleman but your sister had another purpose."
" What purpose ?" I was hungry for an answer.
" To bring peace between the races of elves and dwarves."
A cold silence striked trough the night.
" How did..."

" I sent the horse to Erebor. Until this day I do not know when and why will this purpose be fullfilled but that night I knew that somehow you belong to the line of Durin."
" Nathìniel, from sindarin the savior. " I murmured.
" I arnad o Erebor mi caim lín." said Elrond.
Lindir starred at me with opened mouth, he didn't know what to say, neither did I.

I was born to bring peace between elves and dwarves ? How ?
My father was son of lady Galadriel ? Is she my grandmother ? This was so hard to accept at once. But this was my destiny. This is who I am. The princess of Dhollenbann.

I arnad o Erebor mi caim lín. - The fate of Erebor is in your hands.

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