Battle of the five armies

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Dain sat on a wild pig with a crown upon his head, hunderds of armed dwarves standing behind him.

"Good morning." he started, as if no war was going to start.
"How are we all? I have a wee proposition."
I listened carefully and almost lost my breath when he shouted:
" Would you consider just sodding off? All of you!"

"Come now, Lord Dain." Gandalf walked out of the crowd.
"Gandalf. Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood!"
"No! There is no need for war between Dwarves, Men and Elves.
A legion of Orcs march on the Mountain."
This was my time. It finally came
"Stand down." ordered Gandalf.
"I will not stand down before any Elf!" Dain contradicted.

" You will !" I cried as loud as I could.
A moment of silence filled the air.
Then Dain shook his head and spoke again:
" Which one of you pointed eared princesses dares to command me what shall I do ?"
" Me !" I took a step out of the row of soldiers so everyone could see me. I never had so much courage inside me like now.
" Who are you ?" Dain sharpened his gaze and examined me from my head to my toes.
" I am Nathíniel, daughter of Dís, sister of Thorin Oakenshield, the king under the mountain, and I am a rightful descendant of Durin !"
" Nathíniel ?" a weak voice spoke. I turned around and saw Thorin standing on the balcony.
" You live !" he cried happily.

" Yes. And since I've travelled across the whole  north I bid you stop this madness !!! Don't you understand ? The orcs will slaughter us. They will kill us all. Elves, dwarves, even men. But if we unite, if we let our swords sing together, we might survive ! And if not we will die with pride and honor from defending our homeland !
My king Thranduil..." I looked at him, his face still shaken from my previous speech about house of Durin. " Ada.
Thorin, my lord." I looked into his remote eyes, both proud and confused.
" Why are you doing this? Are some gems trully worth more than your lives? And Bard...," I looked at my dear friend and than back at Thorin.
" Uncle, is there not enough gold to pay Lake town for what they gave us ?"

Silence. No one said a word.
I looked at Thranduil. He shook his head sadly. I thought everything I didn't make it. That everything is over. But then I heard Thorin's voice:
" Let down the rope ! Nathìniel climb up here ! In front of all of you I swear, I will not go into war! I won't risk the lives of my kin!"
Yes !!! Yes I made it!!! Although something in Thorin's voice sounded very weird.
I ran to the barricaded gate of Erebor and climbed up the rope that Dwalin held up on the balcony.

" Nathìnieeeeeel !" Kili screamed, almost dying of joy.
" Kiliiii !" I cried the same way, placing my hands on my brother's cheeks and smiling wide:
" You live, you made it to the mountain."
" You're safe now Nathíniel. We're home." Kili giggled with tears in his eyes and pulled himself closer to me, embracing me tightly.

" I almost stopped believing." another beautiful voice I've desired  to hear for so long spoke.
" Filiii !!" I jumped I to his arms, not even thinking about letting him go one day.
" You are my brave sister. Queen of courage. And you look even prettier than you did before." he gazed at me, sparkles dancing in his sea blue eyes.
" Look at yourselves." I spoke to both of them.
" Sons of Durin."

" Of course we are lassie." Dwalin joined us, clapping my back.
" You did it amazingly."
" I'm proud of you my flower." Balin made a grin of success.
" There is my artistic warrior!" Bofur laughed and ran to me with open arms.
"This lassie has more fire in her heart than Durin himself." Gloin spoke.
" Now I bet Nathìniel will knock him down in a fight." Ori stood beside me with a proud smile.
" I don't think that would..." I started
" Of course it would. You saved us !" Dori stated.
" We are in debt for the rest of our lives." Nori sighed.
" Of course you're not..."
" Oh yes we are." Bombur stopped me.
" Kí aj zdu hílag." murmured Bifur.
" What ? She tripped over a stone?" Oin turned his ear to us.
Everyone cheered and laughed, but all fell silent when I walked to Thorin.

He didn't say a word. He just pulled me close to his chest, burried his head into mine and started crying.
I didn't say anything. Neither of us needed to. In silence were braided the words, in tears were carved the feelings. After an eternity of quietly confessing to each other, Thorin looked at me with a bright smile on his lips and in his wet eyes.
" I knew you will come. And I'm not letting you go."
" I'm not going anywhere." I replied and then a terrible sound echoed in whole valley.

The earth cracked and in the east, terrifying worms, as big as stone giants climbed out of the earth's depths

" Wereworms." Bofur spoke with shaken voice.

The hordes of hell are upon us!

Fight to the death!" Dain cried down in the field.

I'm going over the wall. Who's coming with me?" Fili asked with a courageous spirit, full of zeal.
"Aye!" answered Dori.
"Come on, let's go!" Gloin ordered. Everyone cheered and I grabbed my bow prepared to fight.

"Stand down." a cold voice stopped us. Thorin's eyes suddenly changed. They were nit the kind and warm ones that greeted me just a few moments ago. They were fiery and jealous, full of greed and fear.
"What? Are we to do nothing?" I asked, terrified.
"I said, stand down!"
" But Thorin we..."
" I said I won't risk the lives of my kin anymore. Everyone inside. I don't want to hear more words. That's the order of the king." he said and I felt like my heart fell from my chest to my feet. It all went wrong.

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