Meeting Lindir

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It was beautiful. Precisely decorated roofs, window sills and framed, fountains, statues... I found myself in the most beautiful place in the world, somehow in reminded me of home. My real one.

Gandalf stopped. I looked up to see whats happening and I almost collapsed. Down the stairs was walking my brother in his full elven glory, I've known him for few days but slowly I started to get my memories.

"Mithrandir." he greeted Gandalf.
"Ah, Lindir." he smiled." I think there is someone who would appreciate to know you." Gandalf stepped aside so he could see me.

Lindir's POV

It was her ! My lost sister ! It worked ! It really worked ! I couldn't breathe.

For last months I started to notice that I'm not who I was told that I am. One evening I was walking in the halls and I saw Lord Elrond with a book standing and looking outside of a window. I asked him what he's reading but he didn't answer. Instead of it he walked away.

Howewer one page of the book flew from the book and fell on the floor. I took it and carefully observed it. It was a painting of a family. Parents with a daughter and son. I looked better at the boy's face and saw that it was me.

Since than I started to investigate more and when I found out that my sister is alive I tried to see her in her dreams. ( Which was a special elven ability ).
And now she was here. In front of me with the happiest face I ever saw.
" Lindir." she spoke.
" Nathìniel !". I couldn't help myself but squeezed her in a strong hug.

Nathìniel's POV:

" An annan ú-  lle cenithenon." I spoke in elvish.
" Rithanenion rada lle muinthel nín. Ú - gohenathon im cí darthenion." he brushed my cheek.

Others' POV

" What is she doing ?" asked Ori worriedly.
" Did she fell in love with him ?" Bofur's eyes widened.
" Don't be crazy my lad, who would like those pointy-eared princesses." laughed Oin.
" I think she is trying to betray us!" gasped Gloin.
" She would never do that, she is one of us." spoke Nori.
" It doesn't seem like it. Listen to her speech ! It's elvish !" Dori pointed out.
" She was a spy all the time." Dwalin crossed his arms.
" No, she was our sister." said Kili and looked to his brother.
" Well she is also his." Fili looked to Lindir.
" Nathíniel is not what she looks like. One day you will see that your sister isn't an ordinary lass." smiled Gandalf.
Thorin just stayed quiet, the angrew still in his mind.

Nathíniel's POV

" This maid will show you where you can clean yourself and surely she will find you a wonderful dress. You need to look good since you and your " dwarvish friends" are going to stay here.
" Lindir they are nkt just my friends. They raised me. I love them as my own. Please be careful how do you speak of them."
" Sure I will." he smiled and waved me to follow the maid.
I looked at Fili, he smiled and showed me to go.


"I think that this one will look good on you. " said the maid with a warm smile, giving me a beautiful creme dress with golden ornaments.

" It's beautiful ! I've nevee wore anything like that in my life !" I said after I looked into the mirror

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" It's beautiful ! I've nevee wore anything like that in my life !" I said after I looked into the mirror.
" Here." she said and carefully putted a golden crown on my head.

" she said and carefully putted a golden crown on my head

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" Why

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" Why...What.."
" You're a princess now."
This was the most wonderful moment in my life.
" You look stunning." Lindir entered the room with opened mouth.
" Thank you. " I blushed.
" I think the dwarves will die of you." he laughed.
I put on golden flats and followed my brother to the terrace where the dinner was supposed to be served.

An annan ú -  lle cenithenon = For long I haven't seen you.
Rithanenion utúvie lle muinthel nín. Ú - gohenathon im cí darthenion. - I tried to find you my sister. I would not forgive myself if I stopped.

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