Esgaroth Part 2

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The second that Bard left the house, Thorin started to discuss a plan.
" We must quietly leave so the lad won't see us."
" But Bard told us..." I started.
" I don't care what that stupid lakeman Bard told us !" Thorin smashed his fist against the table.
Scared as a little mouse when she sees a cat I closed my mouth and listened to him as he continued speaking:
" No unnecessary talking, walk only on tips and Bombur,"
The red headed dwarf turned to him.
" Don't let the floor creak under you." Thorin finished and got up from his chair.

No matter how hard we tried, Bain had too good ears.
" Where do you think you're going ?"
" For our weapons." I answered and ran out of the door, followed by Thorin, Bilbo and other twelve dwarves.


" Shh. Keep it down." whispered Thorin while we were tiptoeing to the city armory.
" As soon as we have the weapons, we'll make straight for the mountain." Thorin informed us, and waved me to climb into the window.
" Come Bilbo !" I called from up there when I reached the place.
He climbed up the dwarven " ladder" they made, and I offered him my hand.
" Thank you." he took it and jumped to me.

When we all entered the building, one by one we walked down the stairs to a place where they kept the weapons. As we walked I noticed that Kili is stepping very carefully on the leg he got hurt.
" Kili, are you alright ?" I whispered, holding his shoulder.
" I'm really fine. No problem." he said a bit annoyed and took another step.
" Showing feelings in hard times isn't weak." I started and he turned around.
" Really ?"
" No. It is a great deed of courage." I smiled and ruffled his black hair.
We walked down, grabbing the weapons and quickly running away with hands full of swords, axes and daggers.
But when we reached the last stair, Kili tripped over, falling down and dropping all of the weapons he held.
Such a noise would wake up the dead not just the city guards.
"Run!" I screamed.
Howewer I didn't even have the time to turn around and one of the soldiers pointed his spear to my face.

" Kili ?" I started looling for my brother.
" Shut your mouth lassie." The guard grabbed me by my collar and dragged me away.
" What do you think you are doing !? Let me... aaagh... Go !" I punched his arm.
" It's easy to steal weapons from the Master's armory isn't it ?"
I didn't answer.
" Now you're all going to pay for it." he laughed treacherously.


When we arrived, no one was there except some Lake men.
" So ? where is your " Master" ?" I teased.
Suddenly the massive door on the town hall opened and a red headed man of great size shouted:
" What is the meaning of this?"
"We caught 'em stealing weapons, Sire." answered the soldier that stood next to me.
" Ah... Dwarves. Enemies of the state."

" More a desperate bunch of mercenaries." an ugly man with
joined eyebrows and yellow teeth spoke up.
A bunch of mercenaries ? Did he just called Thorin a mercenary ?!
Shy or not, I won't let someone insult my king.
"Hold your tongue!" I stepped out of the crowd.
The master gave me a surprised look. A she elf, what does she think she can do? He could thought.
Well I'm going to show you what I'll do:
" You have no idea of  whom you speak !  I snapped out.
" This man is no mercenery, he is Thorin. Son of Thrain, son of Thror !" I yelled and Thorin joined me with a smile.
"We are the dwarves of Erebor. We have come to reclaim our homeland." he said and the people begin to murmur among themselves.

" Dwarves ? Are you sure ?" the master interrupted the crows.
" This " girl "," he pointed to me.
" Are you trying to tell me that she's a dwarf ?"
" I'm not. I'm the princess of lost elvish kingdom in the West. But I have faced both beautiful and horrifying with them, and I'm prepared to fight for what is dear to me."
Thorin stroke my hair with a warm smile and turned to the master again:

" I remember this town in the great days of old. Fleets of boats lay at harbor, filled with silks and fine gems."
The crowd murmured, admiting that is is true.
" This was no forsaken town on a lake. This was the center of all trade in the north!"
Every one stopped talking and Thorin continued :
" I would see those days return. I would relight the great forges of the dwarves and send wealth and riches flowing once more from the halls of Erebor!!!!"
Everyone cheered, Thorin was smiling like crazy, Master of Lake town looked completely satysfied.

Until a voice protested. The voice that I would never think of as the one that could ruin our plans:
"Death! That is what you'll bring upon us."
" Bard ! What are you doing ?"
" Shhh... Nothing that you would understand Nathíniel." he showed me to move away. How old does he think I am ? Thirteen ?
" The only thing that will flow from the halls of Erebor will be dragonfire and ruin. If you awaken that beast, it will destroy us all."
" Bard..." I tried to say something but Thorin spoke to the Master again:

" You can listen to this naysayer, but I promise you, if we succeed all will share in the wealth of the mountain and you will have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth ten times over!"
So much joy hasn't been seen in this town for a long time. Mothers, old men, children, all of them cheered and clapped their hands.
But Bard still didn't stop:

" All of you! You must listen to me ! Have you forgotten what happened to Dale? Such a high number of dead... And for what ?! A blind ambition of a mountain king who was so riven by greed, that he could not see beyond his own desire !!!!"
" Bard, please..." I begged but the Lake Master took his word:
" Not so fast... We must not be too quick to lay blame, for it was Girion, Lord of Dale, your ancestor, who failed to kill the beast !"

I couldn't stand it. Maybe Thorin is going to kill me after this, but what I hate more than stubborness is injustice.
" Girion fought braverely than any of you ! Tell me, master of Lake town. Where were you when the great city turned to ash ??? Were you fighting ? Were you amongst the soldiers ? Did you stand beside the wounded ?" I gave him questions.
But he just stood there, speechless while Bard and Thorin were surprisingly starring at me.
" Well I think you did not. You hid behind your walls, with hands on your ears, escaping all the wrath by being a coward ! You are the last one to blame Girion for his deeds !" I cried.

Thorin angrily pushed me away and changed the subject:
" Will you see the prophecy fulfilled? Will you share in the wealth of our people?"
The master looked at me, then and Thorin, then at Bard, then back at me.
" I say unto you...welcome!Welcome and rise! Welcome, King Under the Mountain!" he finally greeted us.
Then he took me, the dwarves and all the lakemen that stood there that evening including Bard into the town hall where a great feast was organised.

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