Elven gate

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We finally reached the borders of the forest after hours of riding. The trees were beautiful but sad, bended over from the burden of darkness. I remember when the woods were green and fresh air filled my lungs everytime I walked in, but these times were long gone.  Thranduil could never. bring life to this forest
"The Elven Gate." said Gandalf. And really there was. Glorious one, carved from white stone, overgrown by tree roots and plants.

"Here lies our path through Mirkwood."

"No sign of the Orcs. We have luck on our side." stated Dwalin.
" I wouldn't be so sure. " Gandalf gave him a suspicious look.
" Set the ponies loose. They should return to their master !" he said and I loosed the briddle of my little brown pony. I took my bow, put it on my back with my two daggers. Oh how glad will I be if I won't need to use them.

As I was packing my things I spotted Gandalf observing the gate of the forest.
I knew what troubled him. This forest felt sick. Not just from spiders and other sticky creatures. Something far more powerful dwelled in it...
" Gandalf..." I walked to him which scared him a bit.
" Nathíniel... what's wrong ?"

" The fortress on the south... I've been there... Darkness lies upon it. A shadow older than the world."
" Are you sure of it ?" Gandalf asked, not believing me.
" Gandalf, if you don't trust Radagast, trust me. This necromancer isn't what he seems to be."
" Do you know who he is ?"

" I've lived a long life, Gandalf. But as you may already know, only a small blink of it I can remember. One hundred years is too little to know all the evil that our people had suffered from."
" Where do you want me to go ?"
" Wherever your heart calls you." I answered. Gandalf opened his eyes widely and after a short silence he spoke:
" High fells of Rhudaur. So be it."
I smiled but he did not.

" Nathìniel, you must lead them through the forest."
" Gandalf I..."
" You know the elven road don't you ?"
" Yes but..."
" Do you know it or not ???" he started to loose nerves.
" Yes, I.... I do."

" Very well. Take only the elven road then."
" But Beorn said..."
" I know what Beorn said. But he doesn't know what waits for you there." Gandalf winked.
" What waits for me ?"
" I was asured that your grandmother told you." he giggled.
" I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm going to find it out." I smiled.

While he was saying goodbye to others I walked closer to the elven gate. It used to be glorious.... But only ruines now lied here. Just as my kingdom.
" I’ll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor." Gandalf, walked to Thorin.
"Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me."

"This is not the Greenwood of old," he continued.
" The air of the forest is heavy with illusion that will enter your mind and lead you astray."
"Lead us astray? What does that mean?" Bilbo seemed confused.
"You must stay on the path, do not leave it. If you do, you’ll never find it again. Listen to Nathìniel. She has walked this forest more than any of you.

No matter what will come, follow her !" he cried and, soon his,horse riding silhouette dissapeared from our view.
When I turned I saw the dwarves murmuring:
" How can we follow her when she can't force a dog to sit down !!!"
" She is not even a leader type !"
" What if she'll get us lost ?"

" Are You crazy ??" a loud voice interrupted them.
" Nathìniel may not be a good leader, but that doesn't mean she can't stay on the path ! If there is anyone who I trust on helping us to go through the forest, than it is my sister !!!"  Fili cried.
" I trust her too ! Isn't she the one who always helped us to get from a bad situation ?" Kili joined him and I couldn't help but blush.

" She was the one to trust us, why shouldn't we trust her then ?"
Bilbo stepped forward.
" She is one of the daughters of Durin !" Bofur shouted.
" And as long as I am the leader od this company," spoke Thorin.
" Nathìniel will show us a path through the Mirkwood forest."

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