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The next morning we left the Town hall with smiles on our faces. The dream vanished from my head and all I could think about was getting back our home. Only when we almost reached the dock I realised that we're only fourteen.
" We're one dwarf short !" Bilbo noticed too.
" Bofur !!" I panicked.
" If he’s not here, we leave him behind."
" You can not leave my best friend." I begged.
" We can risk no more delays Nathìniel." Thorin put a comforting hand on my shoulder.
" Either he will show up or we will need to reclaim our mountain without him."

I nodded sadly and Thorin started to load the barge. Me and Fili were already there, prepared for the journey but our brother was not. Thorin stopped him from joining us:

"Not you. We must travel at speed, you will slow us down. "
That moment I strenghtened my attention and so did Fili.
"What are you talking about? I’m coming with you!" Kili protested.

But Thorin shook his head. He can't take that away from him...
"I have to be there when that door will open. When we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin…" Kili begged trying to smile and act like it is all just a joke.


Stay here Kili. Rest. Join us when you'll heal." Thorin gently brushed his cheek with a warm smile.
But that didn't help Kili at all. Instead of that he looked even more devastated than before.
While Thorin watched Oin who decided to accompany Kili. ( he said something about his duty lying with the wounded),

Fili spoke behind me:
" Are we going to leave him here and just stare ?"
" Fili, look around." I started.
" Do you think that they will care for our brother ? No. Of course not. They do not care about us, they don't even care about the mighty Thorin Oakenshield !
The only thing that matters to them is gold. Wealth and money. If we leave him here, he will never be healed. Never." I looked at Oin checking if Kili's alright and then my eyes met with Fili's.
" And besides... The arrow he got stabbed with is not an ordinary arrow."
Fili's eyes widened in fear.
" It is the Morgul shaft. Its tip is poisonous as the words of Smaug."

" How do you know ?" my brother seemed like he doesn't believe me.
" Many times I wandered the wild. Once... I was walking through the northern borders of the Greenwood forest. It was just an ordinary walk until I  heard voices. When I came closer, I saw a group of elves armed with bows walking through a clearing. They were propably guarding the kingdom. But then the howling noises cut the spring air. Soon the elves were surrounded by orcs, sitting on wargs. The elves were strong but the foe was too numerous. When the orcs rode away I saw that each one of them was pierced by an arrow. Many days I stayed there watching, and there was no week without one of them dying. "

" You're saying..." Fili looked up with tears in his eyes.
" No. I'm not saying he's going to die." I tried to smile trough my wet eyes.
" But if he is, he's not going to do so alone."
Fili's eyes met mine and in the last second he jumped off the boat.
" Fili !" Thorin called.

" Uncle, we grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales you told us.  I will carry him if I must but you can not stop these stories to come true."
" One day you will be King and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one dwarf. Not even my own kin."
answered Thorin and that's when I followed my brother.
Fili looked at me and than run to Kili.
" Fili, don’t be a fool. " Thorin grabbed his arm.
"You belong with the company."
"I belong with my brother."

I stood up and sadly joined him.
" Nathìniel ?" Thorin looked up, the crystal drops filling his eyes.
" If only I could tear myself into two halves..." I spoke, kneeling so I could look right into his face.
" But I can't. Long I desired to go home, Thorin, but still I'm going to stay, for that is what my heart has decided."
" You can't leave us..." the beautiful blue lanterns gazed at me.
" Leave you ? Oh, don't be silly." I laughed and Thorin's cheeks turned red.

" Here. Take this." I took of my necklace and put it on his hand, covering it with the other one. Even though it was hidden it shone dark blue.
" Keep it. Keep it so you will remember that I'm with you. Either you'll sing in the golden halls surrouned by gems or burn in the dragon fire, I will be with you Thorin. " I smiled and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

When I was going to walk away I felt strong arms wrapping around my waist. I leaned my head on his and stayed in the warm embrace of the Mountain king.
" Farewell." I whispered.
What happened after I do not remember very well for my mind was drown by grief. Barge leavng the city, Master's greetings, a drunk dwarf running... Something like that. But I " woke up " immediately when I heared my brother falling. It started. The poison is taking over.

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