Old map

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Gandalf placed an old map on the table. In the middle was a mountain. Solitary peak on the east from Mirkwood. Not very majestic from the outside but between its walls there lied the most poweful dwarven kingdom in Middleearth.


I was helping my mother in a kitchen. We were baking Thorin's favourite cake. I was just going to pour the flour into a bowl when I heard a huge crash. The bag of flour spread around the table. Then another crash echoed in the valley.
Was it an earthquake ? I got the answer when I saw angry flames licking poor trees on the mountain side. A dragon.

As I was thinking, the others started to discuss the matter.
" What are you talking about ?" I whispered into Kili's ear.
" Just the dragon. You should listen better Nathìniel." he giggled.
" I know but I can't help myself."

" Smaug the terrible, " I heard Bofur speaking, Bilbo starred at him with a face full of questions.
" Chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. Airborne fire breather, teeth like razors, claws like meat hooks, extremely fond of precious metals." he continued

I know what is a dragon." Bilbo reminded him. Full of surprises this hobbit was.

" I'm not afraid !" Ori stood up. I wonder where does his courage come from. He didn't seem as a warrior type, I would rather say he was that kind of dwarf you simply want to care about because he seems so fragile.

" The task would be difficult. An army is behind us and we are only fourteen. And not fourteen of the best."

What did he mean ? I didn't say a word whole evening bit I knew thsi was my chance:
" Excuse me Master Balin, but did you just say not the best ? Long time we have wandered the wilds and faced the cruelty of this world. We tasted the bitter fire of the dragon, we felt the hate of bloodthirsty orcs !"

Everyone started talking but Fili smiled and stood up next to me with pride in his dazzling blue eyes:
" We may be few in number. But we're fighters, all of us! To the last dwarf!"
Kili didn't leave us alone in this:
" And except that... Have you forgotten about the wizard ? Gandalf has killed almost a hundred dragons!"

Which wasn't propably true for Gandalf seemed very uncofident and unsure. The dwarves yelled at him, wanting a number of the dragons. They were shouting one through the other and soon I could not hear my own voice.

Bilbo was trying to stop them but what could a little hobbit voice do with arguing dwarves.

" Enough!" A strong low voice stopped them. Thorin raise from his chair:
" If we read the signs do you think the others did not ? Rumors have begun to spread. Smaug has not been seen for sixty years. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours?"
Everyone listened to his speech.
" Do we seize this chance to take back Erebor ?!!!" he cried and everyone cheered. This is the Thorin I know.

But something was wrong. How can we get inside the mountain when Smaug guards it ? I wasn' t the only one who thought about this. Balin seemed to worry about the same thing.

Howewer Gandalf changed our minds when he showed us a little key made of iron, decorated with ancient rhunes of dwarves.

" Where did you found this ?" asked Thorin surprised.
" It was given to me by your father by Thrain, for safekeeping. It is yours now." spoke Gandalf and gave Thorin the key.

" If there is a key, there must be a door!" cried Fili cheerfuly.
" These runes speak of a hidden passage to the lower halls." Gandalf pointed to the map. There is the other way in !

" I don't know if we can find it. The dwarf doors are invisible when they're closed. The answer lies hidden somewhere in this map, but I do not have the skill to find. Fortunately there are others in Middle-Earth who can."

With those words my head started to ache. Everything was blurred, voices only echoed in my head. I sae someone standing in front of me. But it was just a silhouette. Speaking something in a different language. Elvish.
" Tolo dad muinthel nín. Im boe lle."
Then my vision turned black and I felt my unconscious body falling into Fili's arms.

Tolo dad muinthel nín. Im boe lle -  Come back my sister. I need you

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