Stone giants

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As we walked the road, it became wetter and we started to slip on it. Bilbo would have fallen of the cliff if we won't catch him.
"We must find shelter!" cried Thorin, all wet from the rain.

ow could he hope that here in the middle of a storm we will find a place that is dry, calm and safe.

"Look out!" cried Dwalin and I tried to put aside the wet hair that was covering my eyes. I couldn't see anything except lightning and some blue smudges. I put down my hood and then I finally saw it.

Two giant creatures with limbs made of rock were fightning, thunder beating as they hitred each other with massive stone fists.
"This is no thunderstorms! It’s a thunder-battle!" cried Balin who was also so wet that he barely saw the giants through his hair.
" These are stone giants ! They have slept for long, something must have awaken them!" I screamed.

" Well bless me. The legends are true! " Bofur starred at them in astonishment.
" Come on Bofur, we must move on. It isn't safe if you'll keep starring at them, look that rock almost hit you!" I grabbed his arm and carried him away.
He ran forward, leaving me with Fili and Kili.

Suddenly the mountain we stood on started to break.
" Nathìniel, Kili grab my hand !!!" yelled Fili.
But it was too late, the rock came to life, each sides were apart, on the left there stood Kili with frightened face, on the right Fili with wide eyes and I found myself in the middle of two rocks separating from each other, held only by two hands of my brothers, endless void under me.

" Nathìniel !!!" called Fili.
" Here, take my hands and jump !!!" shouted Kili.
" No jump here !!!"
" I can't jump, there's nothing I could jump from !!!!" immediately as I said it, a huge crash came from under us, the cliffs connected, giants stopped fighting and I finally stood on a firm ground.

" You're alive." Fili threw his arms around me. Kili squeezed me too, a bit harder.
" You could have fallen down !" Kili lamented.
" She's here, everything is alright." Fili put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

" Wait, Where’s Bilbo? " I started to look around.
" Where’s the hobbit?!!"
Then I saw him, holding on the edge of the mountain onlu by the tips of his fingers.
"Get him!" yelled Thorin.
" Bilbo take my hand !" I kneeled to him.
" Come on !" Bofur helped me. But we were too weak unless Thorin came, he junoed down the cliff and pulled Bilbo up.

I didn't expect that but after all, Thorin had a good heart.
Then we  helped him up, which was far more harder than pulling Bilbo.
When he finally stood next to us, Dwalin spoke up:
"I thought we’d lost our burglar." "He’s been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us." Thorin answered angrily.

Then why did he save him ? Thorin has all the right to don't trust people but if he would be just a bit nicer to Bilbo...
" Thank you." Bilbo walked to me.
" Friends are to help each other." I smiled and we walked quietly, next to each other.

" Dwalin! I found something !" he stopped and entered a cave inside the mountain.
" It looks safe enough." Dwalin replied.
" Nathìniel search the backs, there could be something in the shadows !"
I went further but after ten minutes of searching I called out that it is safe to rest here.
" We can start a fire then !" Gloin picked up a few sticks of dried wood.

"No! No fires here!" I stopped them. I didn't know why, but although I didn't find anything dangerous except spiders, the air in this place was hard. A bad memory lied in it, the smell of death and sadness.
Thorin gave me a weird look but he didn't argue with me.
"Get some sleep, we start at first light." he said.

"We were supposed to wait in the mountains until Gandalf will join us. That was the plan."I said.
"Plans change Nathíniel. We can't wait for the wizard to show up. Take the first watch. Bofur join her !"
And so we sat on the cold rock while others were sleeping.

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