Song of Durin's people

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Finally I breathed fresh air, warm autumn wind was blowing and sun was slowly setting behind the beautiful pass of misty mountains. And then I saw it. One of the greatest elven kingdoms in Middleearth stayed as a memory. Now I was looking at a group of ruines, not mirroring even the slightest part of they former glory.
There used to be my home... Tears filled my eyes. I sobbed quietly into my hands, sitting on the edge  of the cliff.


It was a sunny day in the beggining of summer. Birds sang and leaves on the trees whispered a wonderful poem of nature.
I sat on a rim of the glorious golden fountain near the palace with my father. His long golden hair glittered as sunshine and his smile would make everyone's day better.

" Tiro muinthel nín." he spoke.
" Il i banath le cennich, dorthatha an oiale. Nern, sûl, ross, naur e auth telitha. An, i dorthatha."
I stayed silent, listening to his words.
" Things that can be seen, things that you can trap or touch will always be here. Time will pass but they'll endure. But this moment, these people, feelings and thoughts, all of them will once die.

They will only remain in your memories, cold as ice, with no life. All the beauty you see now will be there tomorrow, the next week, next year, but this moment, will fade. Enjoy little moments Nathìniel, only they can bring the beauty to the world." he smiled and I starred into his green eyes for a while.

They were the same as mine. Well there was one difference, mine were wet of tears. I reached for a handkerchief to wipe them but someone touched my hand, stopping me from doing it.
" Kili ?"I  looked up.
" What's wrong Nathìniel?" he looked at me with his soft brown eyes, darker than night and wiped away the tear that streamed down my cheek.

I didn't say a word, I just wrapped my arms around his strong body and sobbed into his shoulder. The lovely scent of wallnuts filling my lungs as I smelled his long hair. He put his hand on my head, smiling.
" So this is it." as he was hugging me, he propably noticed the ruines of Hidepeak.
" Yes..." I starred at his face.
He brushed my cheek and smiled.
" Don't worry, we're getting our home back."
I laughed through tears and took his hand. We joined others.

Gandalf greeted us with happy face:
" Kili, Nathìniel ! That finally makes fourteen ! But still is one missing..."
" Bilbo... Where's Bilbo ?" asked Kili, observing the group of dwarves.
" I didn't saw him, since the goblins captured us !!!" I said in horror.
"Curse that Halfling! Now he’s lost!" groaned Gloin.

" Wasn't he with you Dori ?" asked Bombur.
"Don’t blame me! I have nothing to do with that hobbit !"
"And where could he go?" Gandalf started to be angry.

I think I saw him slip away right before they attacked us, exactly as Nathíniel said." Ori smiled at me.
"What happened exactly? Tell me!" he yelled.

"I’ll tell you what happened! Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it!" spoke Thorin with such a hate that I didn't believe he is the same man that took care of me for hundred years.
" Why do you always doubt him!!" I shouted.
" You wouldn 't ? He’s thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since first he stepped out of his door!"

" And you haven't ? What is the meaning of this quest ?! Isn't it to reclaim our lost home ? Or are you here just because of the gold ?" I asked, piercing Thorin with my eyes.
" That isn't important since we're not getting it. Our burglar is long gone."
" No, he isn’t."
Bilbo stood behind us. All the time. But how ?

" Bilbo! You came back!" I squeezed him as hard as possible.
" Yes," he tried to breathe, " Could you... Please.. I can't... Breathe." ahe finally said when I pulled away.
" Of course I came back. I thought of it for long and...You're right. Friendship is also a love. Perhaps even deeper one." he smiled.
I smiled too and after short silence Gandalf spoke up:

"Bilbo Baggins! I’ve never been so glad to see anyone in my life."
" Bilbo, we’d given you up!" Kili was surprised.
"How on earth did you get past the goblins?" asked Fili.
" Yes, how ?" joined Dwalin.
Bilbo laughed nervously and put his hand in a pocket on his waistcoat. Was he hiding something from us ?

" Oh, what does it matter? He’s back." laughed Gandalf, placing a hand on Bilbo's shoulder.
" It matters. I want to know. Why did you come back?" Thorin gazed at him with cold blue eyes.
Bilbo looked at me, then at Gandalf and finally at Thorin.
" Look, I know you doubt me. I know…I know you always have."
Thorin's gaze strenghtened.

"And you’re right to do so.
I often think of Bag End. I miss my books, and my arm chair, and my garden beacuse that’s where I belong. That’s my home. And you.. You don't have one."
Thorin's eyes gone red from tears. This man has a great heart.
" And that’s the reason why I came back, because…you don’t have one. A home."
It was true. All of it. I'm so glad I met Bilbo. It is hard to find someone with such a pure heart as his is.

" Yours was taken from you, but I will help you take it back if I can." he ended and Thorin smiled, giving me a joyful look:
" Do you remember the song Nathíniel ? The one that you wrote for us when... We started to loose hope...?"
" Song of the Lonely mountain..." whispered thr dwarves in astonishment and I started to sing quietly:

Far over the Misty Mountains rise
Leave us standing upon the height
What was before we see once more
Is our kingdom a distant light.

Bofur, Balin and Dori joined me:

Fiery mountain beneath a moon
The words unspoken, we'll be there soon
For home a song that echoes on
And all who find us will know the tune.

Thorin smiled and joined us, this part was like about Bilbo, and the second one reminded us of Thranduil and Azog.

Some folk we never forget
Some kind we never forgive
Haven't seen the back of us yet
We'll fight as long as we live

Kili and Fili had beautiful voices, Dwalin sang too :

All eyes on the hidden door
To the Lonely Mountain borne
We'll ride in the gathering storm
Until we get our long forgotten gold

Nori, Ori, Bombur and Oin followed:

We lay under the Misty Mountains cold
In slumbers deep, and dreams of gold
We must awake, our lives to make
And in the darkness a torch we hold

Finally Bifur and Gloin started to sing and we were there. Thirteen dwarves and an elf, singing about pain, lost, love and home  :

From long ago when lanterns burned
Until this day our hearts have yearned
A fate unknown, the Arkenstone
What was stolen must be returned

We must awake at break of day
To find our song for heart and soul

Some folk we never forget
Some kind we never forgive
Haven't seen the end of it yet
We'll fight as long as we live

All eyes on the hidden door
To the Lonely Mountain borne
We'll ride in the gathering storm
Till we get our long forgotten gold

Far away the Misty Mountains cold

We sang the last sentence and were surprised and terryfied when we saw white wargs, running down the mountain, dark silhouettes of orcs sitting on their backs. There was a one good adage on this.
" Out of the frying pan..."started Thorin.
"And into the fire." Gandalf completed him.

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