The desired death

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Trying to catch my breath again I slammed the door of Bard's house.
Before it closed I saw a small shiny spot. The first house was already burning.
" Nathìniel !!!" Tauriel greeted me with a strong embrace.
" How was it ? Where's Legolas ?" she bursted question after question as fast as she could.
" He's gone." I answered sadly, looking down at my feet.
" What... Why.. "
" He went after the orcs. He thinks they have been summoned."
" For what ?"
" For war."

I didn't even get the time and Fili's arms were already thrown around my neck.
" Where have you been ? I thought you got hurt !"
" I was... With my love." I smiled shyly, Fili could see my cheeks turning pink.
" Legolas. Wasn't it ?" a familiar voice spoke.
Then I saw Kili standing up with a staff smiling brightly.
I nodded and approached him.
" I'm glad you're healed Kili." I bowed my head slightly.
" Thanks to Tauriel." he winked.
She smiled but then a loud crash came from a near house.

"We have no time, we must leave." She said and started to pack some important things.
" Come on, brother. Come on,let's go." I helped Kili to stand up.

When we were almost ready to leave, the door opened with a large shriek and Bain entered the house.

" They arrested him ! They got my father !"
" No..." I spoke sadly.
" I need someone to help me to free him ! "
Tauriel looked at Kili, Kili turned to me, I turned to Sigrid and Sigrid back to me. That moment I realised what I must do.
" No ! You can't go again !" Kili protested.
" If he stays behind the bars, the dragon will burn even his own skin." I said.
" What if we never see you again ?" Fili asked, scared as a little boy.

" You will. I... " I stopped when I realised that I wanted to say I promise. But I could not promise. "
" Nathíniel, you cannot sacrifice yourself for that bargeman. " Kili protested.
" He is my father !" Bain shouted angrily.
" He is my friend. E mellon nín. A Im telithon natha e." I looked to Tauriel's eyes. The sparkled and her lips curved into a satisfied smile.
" Please. Take them to safety. Tilda,  Sigrid, Bain," I looked at the young lad who was on his way to protest,

" I'm glad that I know you. One day when you'll all grow up, you will be wonderful people." I smiled and the children sat into a small boat anchored at the house.
Tauriel threw her arms around me and squeezed me.
" Carno idhren mellon nín.  Harthon gerithach raid gelin a chwest adel thraw lín."
" Hannon lle. " I smiled behind her shoulder and she sat into the boat as well. Only Fili and Kili stayed with tears in their eyes.
" I guess it is the end now."
" No Fili." I smiled. " It is the beggining. Once the dragon will be dead we will all live happily ever after. But until then we must keep trying. "

"Da!" screamed Bain and Tilda right after him. Everyone looked up and saw Bard kept shooting his arrows at Smaug.

He hit it! He hit the dragon!" Kili cried happily.
" No." Tauriel stopped him but Kili refused to believe it :
" But he did, he hit its mark, I saw! You can be safe here with us Nathíniel !"
"These arrows cannot pierce its hide. I fear nothing will." Tauriel spoke, her eyes closed.
" This will. " I said and took the black arrow that Bain laid into the barge.

I smiled one last time at my beloved ones and ran to the Belltower where Bard fought.
I scuttled up the stairs and felt like a giant rock fell down from my heart. Bard was there. Alive and full of strength and courage. Only his face seemed frightened when he saw me:

" Nathíniel ! What are you doing? You were supposed to leave ! And you should ! Your brothers, they...
"I came to help you. I know you are a strong warrior but I can't lose you. " I gazed into his wet hazel eyes.
" Neither can I. But that's how it works. Heroes die." he tried to giggle trough the tears that streamed down his cheeks and mine as well.

" No until we have this." I smiled and gave him the black arrow. Bard's eyes sparkled as he was taking it and hope lit in his heart.
" Now you must go my friend. Please." he brushed my cheek and wiped the tears away.
When I was deciding wether to turn and do as Bard said or stay and fight, I saw the dragon in his all glory.
He stood there, opposite me. Bard held the arrow and with a stone cold face looked into the dragon's eyes. He spoke:

"Who are you that would stand against me?"
Bard wanted to answer and aim but he showed me a broken bow. Oh no. How are we supposed to save the town now ?
" Well, that is a pity." spoke Smaug. "What will you do now, bowman? You are forsaken. No help will come."
Bard looked at me and I gave him a warm smile.

" Is that your friend ? You cannot save her from the fire. She will burn!"
Quiet. We ignored him. And started to prepare our kiving windlance. Me.

" Stay still, Nathíniel. Stay still."
" I'm scared." I whispered.
" It will be all fine." Bard smiled and Smaug continued:
"Tell me, wretch, how now shall you challenge me? You have nothing left but your death!"
And then I saw it:
" The mark on his chest !" I whispered.

" Here we go." Bard smiled and put the arrow on my shoulder.
" What if we miss it ?" I asked scaredly, trembling and crying at once.

Nathíniel. Look at me. A little to your left. Very good." he said when I moved.
" This is the end in fire." Bard said and the arrow broke the air and flew all the way to the dragon, stabbing into the only bare space on his body. The dragon roared in pain, the light of fire left his body and  Smaug fell into the cold waters of Esgaroth. It was dead. The dragon was dead.

E mellon nín. A Im telithon natha e. = He is my friend. And I am going to save him.

Carno idhren mellon nín. = Take care / Be careful my friend.  Harthon gerithach raid gelin a chwest adel thraw lín. = I hope you will have green paths and breeze behind you.
Hannon lle. = Thank you.

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