You left me ?

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I softly unbraided my hair, strand by strand and let ot fall silently on my back. Oh how much it has grown since I last saw myself in the mirror in Rivendell. Had Legolas been here he would brush it with his strong fingers and whisper kisses into my ear. But he is not. Our love was built on departures and reunions.

Is it going to continue like that? Will I really see him again ? I was not so sure now when I remembered how many times we were apart since we fell in love. Was this love even worth it?
Oh what am I thinking about! Of course it is. At least I hope.
I shook the thought of my mind and looked around the room I was in.

It was roofless, at least the stary sky could be seen, the walls were cracked and their tops covered with snow. I lied on a wooden bed, propably as old as the city of Dale. But except this bed and an old moldy blanket sewed from cloth clippings of different colours there was no furniture in it. There was just my new elven armour at the left side of my bed and a beautiful mirkwood guard bow with quiver full of  neech arrows was placed on a stone " table" ( actually a piece of stone that sticked out of the wall ).

 There was just my new elven armour at the left side of my bed and a beautiful mirkwood guard bow with quiver full of  neech arrows was placed on a stone " table" ( actually a piece of stone that sticked out of the wall )

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So this is it

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So this is it. Thorin wouldn't be very proud of me. But I am doing this for him, right ? If only I could see him now. How he's doing and if the dragon sickness already went so far...
Still, it doesn't matter since I am going to solve that tomorrow. Not just solve but also save. For that is who I am. Nathíniel - The daughter who saves.
And with those words on my lips I fell asleep and my mind carried me to the realm of dream.

When I opened my eyes I found myself standing behind a tree at a clearing. The stars were shining brightly, it was deep night. When I looked from behind it, I saw Legolas. He was sleeping sweetly, but only for a few seconds. Then he slowly opened his eyes:
" Meleth nín ?" he sighed and started searching for me. But I wasn't there.
" Meleth nín !" he woke up and scaredly started to look around.
" Tauriel !"

The red haired elleth climbed down the tree, half waken-half asleep.
" What happened ?" she asked, yawning.
" Nathíniel's gone."
" What !?" she gasped, not looking tired at all." Why would she..."
" I proposed her. She said yes but propably later she couldn't accept it..." he spoke. It was dark but I knew he was crying. Quietly but with all his heart. Why does the poor soul think that I left him?

" Oh don't be silly ! She loves you. She propably wanted to take a look 'round here."
" My horse is gone too."
" Maybe she went on a horse ?..." Tauriel started with a small smile but soon realised that it isn't worth even trying. Legolas fell on his knees, sobbing.
It is an elvish dream. I can speak to him !

I walked from behind the tree. Everything that was around us disappeared. The clearing, the stars, the trees, even Tauriel. In the middle of endless dark void was a beautiful weeping elf on his knees and me. I placed my hand on his back. Strong and muscular.
He immediately turn around.
" Meleth nín !" he giggled with tears of happiness streaming down his cheeks and pulled me into a tight embrace.
I could smell his neck again. This precious moment... I wish it could be longer.

" You... You left me ?" he asked upset.
" Of course I did not Meleth nín." I smiled and wiped the tear from his eye.
" Melion lle. Ú-istach?"
" Iston. Ach achas nín ni am cuthálion."
" Do not let the fear overtake your heart." I said and placed my small skinny white hand with long fingers on his strong chest.
" I won't anymore." he smiled and leaned his forehead on mine.

" Amman leddienach ?"
" Erebor boe nín. Lû nín tollen. I'm boe natha bar nín."
" What should I do?"
" Ride to Gundabad with Tauriel. If you'll see the orcs gathering there, ride to Erebor as fast as possible, for the war will start. If not... Neverthless. I do not know if I'm strong enough to bind what was broken for fifty years."
" My father is not likely to grow peace."
" He may not. But I am. I joined his army. I spoke to him. And he knows I'm going to marry youuu !!!" I cried happily, jumping up and down.

" What did he say ?"
" I've never seen such a glad face as his was."
To that he didn't reply, he just kissed me passionately, drinking my love to him right out of me.
After a while he pulled softly away and whispered:
" For the third time, navaer meleth nín."
" Na vedui i cuil neitha ammen. Ero meleth ammen aderthatha."

" Melion lle. Ú-istach?" -  I love you. Don't you know ?
" Iston. Ach achas nín ni am."  cuthálion." -  I know. But my fear was stronger.
" Amman leddienach ?" - Why did you go ?
" Erebor boe nín. Lû nín tollen. - Erebor needs me. My time has come.
navaer meleth nín.- farewell my love
" Na vedui i cuil neitha ammen. Ero meleth ammen aderthatha." - At last the life parts us. Only love will reunite us.

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