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After the long time we spent in the stinky barrels, Bard finally approached our barrell and emptied it.
" Fishes, really Bard ?" I asked him with  a bit annoyed voice, starring at him whole wet, with the fish oil all over my clothes.
" Sorry." he giggled.
" Couldn't you fill the barrels with... I don't know... Water ?"
" It's transparent, they would see you."
" Yes, right. At least you smuggled us in." I smiled.
While Bard was talking to some man who stood by the water, I walked to Kili:

" How's your leg ?"
" Its fine, nothing that wouldn't heal in few days." he replied with a small smile.
I looked at the piece of cloth wrapped around his leg that was soaked with blood. It didn't seem very healthy.
" Are You sure ?"
He nodded for agreement and we joined others led by Bard.

We walked through the city and I tried to examine every detail of it. Wooden houses with fancy roofs of all kinds of patterns and colours were built on oaken pales, stabbed into the bottom of the lake. Its water was cold and dark with small pieces of ice on the surface.
The city was nice but it had lost all of its former glory. Markets were now abandoned or stuffed with simple things like bread and salt.
People were dressed in dingy coats full of holes and woolen gloves.

" Da, our house! It’s beiang watched !" someone scaredly spoke. It was a young boy with light brown hair and chocolate eyes. Propably Bard's son.
" Take them by the secret entrance." Bard pointed to the dwarves.
" Nathìniel you can go with me. No one will suspect a nice elf, visiting her friend." smiled Bard.
" What way are they taking ?"
" The toilet one."
" They will never forgive me this."

I giggled and we walked up the stairs to his house.
Immediately when he opened the door, a little girl wearing a blue dress rushed to Bards arms and hugged him tightly.
" Da! Where have you been?"
" Father, there you are. I was worried." Another girl, who looked just a bit younger than me embraced him.

" Who is this ?" she asked, observing me.
" Sigrid, Tilda, meet Nathìniel. She is my... Friend."
I waved and smiled at them.
" Nathìniel these are my daughters. Sigrid," he introduced the older one and she waved me too.
" And Tilda." the younger one shyly stepped forward.
"Bain, get them in." ordered Bard and his son opened the toilet.
One by one the dwarves started to climb out, each of them wet and stinky. I immediately rushed forward when I saw our hobbit.

" Bilbo !!!" I squeezed him as tightly as I could, not worrying about him climbing out of toilet a second ago.
" I didn't see you since... Since the spiders attacked us in Mirkwood ! By Durin's boot are you alright ?" I asked, placing my hands on his cheeks, controlling his health status.
" Yes, I'm just a bit cold."
" How did you get into the halls of the Woodking unseen ?"
Bilbo looked at me without answering but then Fili spoke behind me:

" The question, Nathìniel, is how did you get out of the Woodking's halls unseen. Why weren't you at your cell when Bilbo came to rescue us ?"
" I... I had some bussiness to do..."
" With the gems ?"
" No, no... The gems I used as a payment for clothes of the elven guard. I dressed as one of them so they couldn't see me and that's how I escaped."
" I see... Why didn't you keep the dress ?"
" I left in on the shore. Things that have an owner should be returned to him."
" Oh, that's a shame. You looked nice in it." Fili smiled and saw Thorin gazing out of the window, Balin and Bilbo next to him.
" What are they talking about ?" I asked Fili.
" The dwarvish windlance."

For a while I glanced at the ballista on a top of city tower, remembering the horryfying day. A city on flames, enormous dragon flying in the air, his wings like hurricane. Dwarves and men, screaming, calling for help. And the Lord of Dale, fighting for his people.
" Many blame Girion for the problem we have with Smaug now. But the truth is, Girion fought until his last moment. Even if some of us stood in his place, nothing would have changed. There is no one who can defeat the beast. Not just fire he breathes, but also death."

" You are one of few who thinks this." Bard walked to me and I didnt notice Fili going away.
" Am I ?"
" For ages people in this town believed in Girion's unhandiness. None were there to stand for him."
" You speak as you've known him."
" I have not. But he was my grandfather."

I didn't have the time to say something for Thorin interrupted us with his request:
" You took our money. Where are the weapons?"
"Wait here." said Bard and wlaked down the stairs.

" Tomorrow begins the last days of Autumn." Thorin said.
" Durin’s Day falls the morning after next. We must reach the mountain before then." Balin joined us.
"And if we do not? If we fail to find the hidden door before that time?" I started panicking.
" Then this quest has been for nothing." answered Fili and at that moment Bard entered and dumped the weapons, on the table in front of us.

" What is this?" Thorin picked up one of them.
"Pike hook. Made from an old harpoon."
" And this?" Kili showed him something that looked like a hammer.
" A crow bill, we call it. Made from a usual hammer. It’s heavy in a hand, I grant. But in defense of your life, it will serve you better than nothing."

"  We paid for weapons. Iron forged, swords and axes!" grumped Gloin - as always.
"It’s a joke!" Bofur dumped his weapon back on the table and so did others.
" Wait ! I can give you mine ! I still have my bow and daggers... Actually one dagger. The other stayed..."

In Mirkwood. I thought to myself. In hands of Legolas. My only love.
" We should better leave now." decided Balin.
" You’re not going anywhere. There are spies watching this house and probably every dock  in the town. We must wait till nightfall."
So I did. I sat on a chair in the kitchen and burried my head into my hands. Is there a chance that I will see him again?

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