Name: Mujūryoku Heiki
Hero name: Ryoku
Age: 15
Sexuality: Straight
Quirk name: weightlessness
Quirk description; it's very similar to Zero Gravity, except it doesn't quite work the same. Anything he touches becomes lighter, but only for the time he's touching it, or at most a few seconds after. His highest natural weight is about 2000 pounds
Strengths: since the weightlessness only effects him, he can weaponise anything heavy. For example, he can pick up a small car with no problems, but if he hits someone with it it would be exactly like being hit with a car. It also means if he's using it on a person, they themselves would struggle to hurt him with punches or kicks, since it would be like being hit by a piece of paper
Weaknesses: it's REALLY hard to actually build muscle, since regular weights don't exactly do much when they become weightless. It also has pretty much no range on its own, since anything he throws gains all its weight back almost immediately. Well, unless it's less than 50 lbs
Ultimate move: he just picks up the heaviest thing he can and uses it to hit people
Power: 3/5
Technique: 4/5
Intelligence: 3/5
Cooperation: 3/5
Competitiveness: 3/5
Personality: he's kind of a playfully competitive person. He isn't super competitive on his own, but if he's given a bet, or he's going against a friend, he's definitely gonna try and win.
Physical health: fine
Mental health: fine
Looks: he's a pretty small guy. He's not short, but he IS really weak looking, since he can't build up muscles the same way others do. He has blue hair, which he usually just leaves to do whatever it does, often just staying flat and reaching his neck.
Hero outfit: it's pretty much swat gear, except without the branding. It's normally really heavy, but obviously it's light on him