Nikita Ploetov

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Nikita Ploetov



Russian, on her mother's side, though Japanese from her father

Nikita has a mostly normal appearance. At first glance, the most notable thing about her is her features, which are obviously more russian than most people in the country.
But her features are, mostly, still somewhat average, with her eyes being a soft brown and her short hair matching, with the exception of a few streaks of blonde.
But moving to the more unique aspects, first up is her size. Her height alone is noteworthy, since she stands at a solid 6' exactly, though she's not exactly a skinny person, and that tall frame is paired with almost 90 kg of muscle.
But, then there's her quirk. From the front, there's little that seems any different, with the exception of her left hand, which has each of her fingers replaced by a set of heft claws, though her thumb has luckily remained.

From behind, there is the most notable difference. Her back is covered in scales, which overlap and extend past eachother to create a total covering, which also extends down the outside of her arms and hands, and down the flat tail that hangs between her legs.

As anyone her size probably would, she's a massively confident person. She knows what she can do, and she does love to show off whenever possible.
But, she's not arrogant. She knows what her limits are, and has absolutely no problem with admitting that she can't do something. That doesn't mean she won't try though! To her, finding a challenge and pushing through is one of the most fun things in life, be it physical or mental.
And, on that note, she's no slouch when it comes to brainpower. While she couldn't hope to compete against someone like Yaomomo, she's still a pretty smart girl. Third in the class, in fact! She actually rather enjoys surprising people with it, since her large figure and often loud personality lead most to believe she's just a simple meathead.

Quirk; Pinball
The naturally defensive scales on her back possess a special quality. Their high defensive potential comes from their ability to repel kinetic energy. Doing this means most external attacks that hit the back of her simply bounce right off, though it's not so effective against faster, lighter attacks, such as those made by blades or bullets!
By flattening her scales, she can also recycle the effect into an energy booster, allowing her to take the energy in and bounce herself away from attacks or surfaces.

Aside from her natural physics strength, which lends well to making attacks, she is incredibly well defended. It's next to impossible to attack her from behind, and she's found a way to make herself surprisingly mobile by, as the name of the quirk suggests, rolling into a ball and bouncing off of surfaces.

Her defensive strengths are hindered by the fact her front is almost entirely undefended, and her scales only pretend from kinetic attacks. Heat, cold, electricity, and basically every other elemental type of attack.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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