6 Why do they always aim for my butt?

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(Edited )


I glared at the school building confused. It has cameras that aren't even working and the gates were wide open for anyone to just stroll in. Say a vampire or three werewolves, one quite averagely more handsome than the others if I don't say so myself. "You'd think they'd have more teachers on duty. We just walked in unnoticed..."

"Don't jinx anything moron," Marcus growled at me. I rolled my eyes wondering why I'm always put with him when it comes to hunting.

The Alpha always sends us off with the little missions like these, not the big ones where we could be dealing with a whole coven.

In fact, I don't even think we have a big issue out here with covens only undead wanderers. I'm not complaining if the Alpha doesn't believe I'm ready then I trust his judgement it's just I want to know more about this werecat.

Deviline is standing so close to me that if I wasn't wearing my black hood over my head I could probably feel her hot breath riding down my neck. It's like she wants to morph our bodies together.

Marcus and her... Actually, we all are in black hoods and dark faded jeans trying to stay unnoticed. Not doing a very good job...

With my wolf hearing, I overheard a girl whisper. "Wow look at the one in the middle, oh my god he's so cute." I curled my lips in. I'm the one standing in the middle... And for some reason, Deviline began to growl venomously so I elbowed her.

"So much for remaining invisible," Marcus complained oblivious to Deviline's odd behaviour. I suppose he must be just used to it by now, that or he doesn't even notice anymore.
Or maybe he's dead set on this mission just doesn't care what everyone else does. We walked around a corner behind the seniors building where no one can see us and I watched as the other two leapt up climbing up the brick wall to crawl through the window on the second floor.

"We're just going against subtle today aren't we?" I had to say. I'd regret it later if I didn't.

"Would you stop being such a smart ass and get up here?" Marcus snapped.
I grinned running the opposite direction to the wooden fence separate the school from a house and kicked off it to jump on the building. Marcus scowled at me and crawled in through the window.

"I don't know why we didn't just use the door," I said climbing inside behind the two. They stared at me dully then went around the classroom in scanning it. "Did we just climb through the wrong window?"

"Shut up Luke. This is the right room." Marcus stated.

"Where's the vampire then?" He ignored my question unsurprisingly and after getting one intense look from Deviline I just crawled back out the window.

If we're going to do this we have to do it right. The first step should have been going through the right f-ing window but no why listen to me? I'm just the wolf that was bitten not born as if that makes me any different to him. The corpse stench trailed to the closed window a couple of rooms across and I gagged because it's so strong even from out here. I balanced on the windowpane but the blind was shut to keep me from looking in and the sunshine out.

"Luke..." A feminine voice purred in my ear.

I flinched back and glared at her. "Jesus Deviline."

"Marcus is an idiot." She stated. She rested her sharp chin on my shoulder and started staring up at me with pouted lips.

"What are you doing?"

She blinked her eyes spastically. "Nothing."

"Are your eyes sore?"

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