37 There's nothing more personal than this...

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I moved my face a little feeling the soft mushy cushion under my cheek. I moaned at the pleasurable smell of her scent and then when I opened my eyes. I stiffened in shock when I found my face, my own face resting on her breast. I placed my hands firmly next to her head then pushed myself up to stare down at Elektra. Who lay in a peaceful sleep but dirt and sweat covered her pretty face. Why do I feel so weak? And why am I naked? I gazed down and then whipped my gaze away from her naked body. I realised I'm lying between her legs. Naked.

I'm Naked.

And I'm lying between her legs.


While she's naked...

Oh God.

Suddenly she stirred and arched her back stretching her arms above her head. I looked away because it's just too much for me to handle at this point in time now.

"Stay asleep." I whispered kissing her forhead and she smiled keeping her eyes closed as I stood up. However I fell back down my legs giving up on me, yes it's my legs... My body wants to remain on top of hers but I can't do that.... Ugh.... I smelt the clean water and realised we're at some lake in the woods.

"Drink some water you're arid." She explained That explains my weakness... I crawled over to the water and just stuck my whole face refreshening myself and feeding my thirst. I threw my head back out and gasped. It feels amazing; the cold water feels fantastic from a long night of whatever happened. I didn't have sex with her did I? I looked over thinking that she was staring at my ass; I swear she was but she's turned over her back facing me and a pile of clothing set out behind her. And still no clothing on her but some blood splotches on her skin. I walked over and picked up the clothes but tossed them aside. If we did make love what's the point in hiding myself now? I knelt down next to her and nuzzled my face in her neck making her stiffen. Have I done something wrong?

"Elektra?" She rolled over and and sat up to gaze at me. I kept trying to keep my eyes locked with hers and that's when I noticed the dry blood on the corner of her mouth

"Do you remember what happened last night?" She asked me then her head fell forward onto my chest.

"Elektra!" I lifted her face up and saw how exhausted she looks. Then I noticed a few dead animals lying around us. She stared over at what I was looking at then she started crying.

"I did it again. I was so careful not to go under the moon." She whimpered and sniffled. I cupped her face and licked away her tears. Nope no love making... I don't understand what's happening. Did we both shift las night?

"No they're probably my kill." I assured her but she shook her head.

"They're not; you only shifted and searched for your pack. On full moon for were cats they aren't themselves they..." She paused then looked away. "I hate this curse." She cried and I tucked away her hair off her face and kissed her nose.

"Let's clean you up." I said and lifted her up bridal style. I carried her over to the lake and I dipped her in so we could both swim out. She swam out further and deep into the water then splashed with her back facing me. I gently rubbed off the dirt and dry blood on her back then gently caressed her hair to get all the mud and leaves out. I've never washed a girl before; I've seen naked girls in my pack because when we shift it just happens. But I have never been this close or been allowed to actually look and touch.

"Alright your turn." She said turning around and I averted my eyes down by accident but then quickly looked away. "You can look Luke I don't mind." She said as she cleared out the crap in my hair and I want to. I really want to... "I mean you did rip my shirt open last night."

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