7 The Pride of Three

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(Edited 11 January 2015)



Late in the night I snuck out of home and waltzed around the woods to find the particular spot where I promised to meet the other wild cats. All I want is just that one normal night out with the girls. One normal night of unleashing the claws and killing every bloodsucking beast out there, I miss that kind of normality.

The idea made me jump in excitement and spin around searching for some big cat somewhere.

"Sarah!" I cried out overdramatically engulfing her in a bone crushing hug. She returned the favour until both our spines cracked and we winced in pain. "Okay... I think that's enough hugging."

We let go. "Sorry my overpowering wereleopard strength is a little too much to handle."

I narrowed my eyes on her bright green ones. Her eyes are so bright they look someone drew them with a highlighter. "I'm pretty sure we have the same strength."

"Whatever." She shrugged and her straight light brown fell off her shoulders to rest on her back.

"Just not the same levels of intelligence." I muttered. She punched my arm and I giggled watching the bruise quickly disappeared. "Where's the blonde?" I asked her.

"She'll get offended if you call her that."

"That's why I never say it to her face." I replied in a duh tone.

"And you're the Alpha because?" She questioned sarcastically.

"Believe it or not I'm the mature one in the Pride." I beamed then admired her black knee high boots that she probably uses to crush people's faces with. "Are those new?"

"I've had them for ages."



"Are you sure?"


"Positive?" I teased. She let out an annoyed yell and I burst out laughing.

"Seriously when is she getting here I'm sick of you already?" I gave her a hug and she waited no second to hug me back.

I've missed my leopard sister.

Yet regretfully I have not told her about Adrian and I don't plan to anytime soon. I just need to move on from it and then it won't bother me.

"Hello!?" Tilli called out. She's the lioness, she has long blond hair and ocean blue eyes and not to mention lion ears on top of her head that she plays off as a headband or will sometimes just wear a beanie to hide them. All of us have some 'catness' showing on our human form.

Tilli the bookworm blonde is the unlucky one here.

Sarah has cat foot prints rather than normal human footprints and of course I have my shadow.

We are the only ones in the Pride there are only ever four werecat's in the world at once. Whenever one of us dies if we haven't bitten some other girl beforehand, the Greek God of the wild Pan will decide the next werecat. He's the reason why I can easily relate to nymphs and still get invites to their wild parties.

Perhaps is the time to explain why there are only three of us at the moment. Pan chooses which ever girls he pleases from all over the Earth. We have absolutely no idea or any clue as to where this tigress is.

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