28 Olivia

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Someone stepped inside my tent and I'm assuming it's Elektra about to give me the dirty details. I sat up and saw that instead of Elektra, Claire kneeled down beside me her eyes boring into mine. Then they glowed and my sort of started hurting.

"Elektra never came on this trip with you, she fell ill and could not make it. So you went off alone and with the boys and their fathers stuck with annoying chatter on sport. Scott has brought spiders along to crawl in your tent so to get him back you opened the lid so they escaped inside their tent." What the hell is she on about? "You will now fall asleep... And dream about something orange." Uh what? Her eyes stopped glowing and I blinked a few times to then see that she disappeared from my sight. No way she couldn't of crawled out so fast. And all of Elektra's stuff is gone! Is she serious about all that crap? Is Elektra trying to pull a fast one on me? But what if she's serious? When her eyes glowed my eyes were burning...

I sat quietly next to Elektra in home room and she kept listening to other students blabber. She's always willing to listen to others, it stops the others from questioning her. That's why she does it. That night Claire was supposed to have brainwashed me or something, because the next morning I questioned the boys on where Elektra was.

"She never came remember she was sick." Jared had said which got me so confused. But then I realised I never took my contacts out that night at camp so Claire's 'power' didn't affect me at all. She's some kind of hypnotist but then what is Elektra? Where did she go? I want or question her but I'm afraid to ask, I don't really know if I want the answer. I looked at the blond guy Adrian who stared at me amused then concentrated on Elektra. Usually I'd suspect he's checking her out but what has he got to do with Elektra's life? Why is he part of this whole... Whatever it is. Now there's Luke who she ran off with and slept with, is he part of this? What is Elektra hiding? I caught Adrian staring at me again and often I would blush when cute guys stare at me but there's something off about him. I can't figure it out... But maybe he could tell me. He chuckled a little then focused on Elektra, I felt her tense beside me, her eyes narrowing at nothing in particular then she glared at Adrain. I watched as they had their stare down. It's like they're having this mind conversation or something... Wait no he looks like he's trying to reach out to her but she's shooing him off, mentally. Oh god I've lost it.

"Would you quit it!" She whispered hastily at him her face looking annoyingly pretty but vicious at the same time. How does she do it?

"I need to talk to you." He said and she glanced sideways at me then back at him.

"I don't want to hear anything from you."

"What are you guys on about?" I asked innocently and they both mumbled nothing. Suddenly two girls from my soccer team whom I'm close with, Ava and Nikki came to our table looking at Adrian. Ava a tall brunette and Nikki a tall, short haired blond.

"Um..." Ava stuttered her brown eyes looking at Nikki for a bit of assurance then she smiled almost flirtatiously at Adrian. "You're Adrian right?" She asked and Elektra sighed rolling her eyes while he smiled sweetly at them. The sweet smile of a snake.

"Yes Adrian Roth and who might you lovely ladies be?" He asked and Nikki blushed but answered straight away.

"I'm Nikki." She greeted excitedly then said in a bored tone. "And this is Ava." Elektra came close to my ear and whispered. "Can they make it anymore obvious?" I strained a smile and she cocked her head to the side confused. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine." I answered trying to act normal but I can tell she's sensing my distress.

"So... Adrian did you and Elektra used to date?" Ava asked and Elektra jumped while Adrian clapped his hands together laughing.

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