26 I didn't mean to it just happened...

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Her sister and her mother left so it was safe to come out of her room. We made soundless steps down the stairs then she walked into the living room so I followed her enjoying the view of her behind.

"You might want to stop staring if you want to last." She said then turned around her hands on her hips. I smirked then checked out her living room. White walls, dark wooden floor boards, a white leather sofa with two white fluffy things... Hang on a minute.

"You have dogs?" The little white fluffy dogs both lifted their heads up and stared at me wagging their tails.

"The big one is Romeo and the little one is Koko." I knelt down and they leaped down off the couch happily. Romeo literally pranced over to me but then hesitated once I reached out for him. However his little sister Koko is very brave, she came right up to me and I gave her a scratch under her chin.

"What breed?"

"Bichon frise." She said but gazed down at the dogs sadly. "Ever since I became cat they've become distant." She said sorrowfully. I stared at the dogs, Romeo finally brave enough to let me pat him. Then I took hold of Elektra's hand and gently pulled her down so she was next to me. "What are you doing?" I ignored her question and brought Koko closer to Elektra. She looked up at me swishing her tail side to side then stared at Elektra.

"Come on Koko.." I encouraged then head gestured to Elektra. Elektra giggled then sighed.

"Nice try but she won't..." She stopped abruptly when Koko leaped into her arms and started licking her face. She smiled brightly which only caused me to smile. She talked to the little ball of fluff in a baby voice then started speaking in Greek to her. My Greek is rusty but I can still understand her.

"Είσε όμορφη." -you're beautiful- I whispered to her in Greek. She stopped and placed Koko down on the floor.

"Εσεί ξέρεις Ελλινηκά?" -you know Greek?- she asked surprised still beaming.

"My parents are from Thessaloniki." I said looking away from her.

"Then how come you know nothing about Ancient Greece?" She asked incredulously and I groaned.

"My parents were very religious. They called all those myths nonsense or a waste of time."

"A waste of time." She playfully growled and I nodded.

"When they found out I was bitten they called me a demon." I have never told this story to anyone but my Alpha. When I look into her eyes I know I can trust her with anything especially something like this. I pointed to my bare wrists where scars used to lay. "Both my father and my own mother held me down and slit my writs hoping to drain the demon inside of me out." Surprisingly she didn't react as badly as I thought she would. Her smile disappeared however and she trailed her fingers lightly on my wrist. "I kept on healing so they kept on cutting until the police came as well as the Alpha." She stayed silent then looked into my eyes with a blank expression. I already miss her her smile.

"I'm so sorry." She finally said and I shook my head smiling and then pecked her lips which I then deepened into a proper kiss and she responded her hands going through my hair. Tugging hard but then she let go and pushed me back, staring at me seriously. "I'm afraid I have more pretty bad news to tell you. Your Pack thinks you're dead." She said. "Why are we still on our knees?" She asked lighting up the mood.

"You're right we need to handle this standing up." I held her hands and pulled her and myself up onto our feet. "That's why they were howling so sadly last night." They think I'm dead, Marcus must of told them that but why? He really wants to be Alpha that bad that he would kill me.

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