50 A deal with an angel or at least half of one

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"More vampires are being drawn in." I groaned resting my head back against the brick wall. We -Olivia and I- found a secluded area outside next to a staircase and relaxed there so I could explain everything in full detail. She freaked out for the first five minutes then she just nodded and cracked jokes.

"That sucks." Olivia commented and I smiled at her really bad pun. "But I was right. The world has gone all twilight on me."

"You're seriously OK with this?" I perked my brow and eyed at her suspiciously.

"I expected this from you." She shrugged.

"You knew I would be a werepanther, hunted down by my lover's pack that is secretly being controlled by vampires."

"Not exactly that but I knew you'd be in something really weird that involved a cat somewhere."

I stared at her dumbfounded. "I honestly wonder what goes in that mind of yours Liv."

"I should be saying that to you." She growled crossing her arms over but couldn't keep up the grouchy act for long because after a few seconds she broke into a smile. "Who is the tattooed girl?"

"Shadowhunter named Angel, it's kind of ironic..."

"Now City of Bones is involved?"

"Don't look at me I'm not the one creating these myths blame Zues or..."

"Zues hang on a minute you never said anything about Greek Gods." She stated annoyed and then she gasped as if she just realisied something big. "The Virgin Mary was just a slut!"

"That was the last thing I expected to fall out of your loud mouth." I said between laughs and also I feel a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders.

"I can't believe you never told me about this."

"I haven't told anyone about this."

"Yeah but I'm your best friend! I'm supposed to know this stuff!" She really needs to stop yelling.

"Think of the superheros that kept their secret from everyone they loved to protect them. Happy?"

"A little satisfied... You love me?" She gave me a big grin and I giggled.

"Of course I do." I leaned forward and gave her hug which she returned. "You're my bitch." She laughed in my hair then held onto me tighter. "You OK?"

"Yeah just..." She pulled back and looked at me dead straight in the eye. "Please stop keeping secrets from me."

"From now on I'll tell you everything."

"Oh and stop sending Cole to distract me."

I threw my hands up in surrender but couldn't keep the smile off my face. "That was all him I swear!"

"He's so annoying you won't believe what he did to me! He used my whole family against me! Just so he could score a date." I burst out laughing and because I usually throw my head back when I laugh I smacked it into the bricks.

"OW! Oh... ow." I whimpered on instinct, not really because it actually hurt. Olivia laughed at my pain so I laughed with her rolling on the ground probably looking hysterical. Suddenly she squealed and pointed at the wall so I looked at it and gasped at the dent and cracks I created.

"Oh my Gods!" Olivia laughed and I smiled proudly at her. She understands the Greek mythology without me having to explain it to her. If I had a gold medal I'd give it to her but for now I'll just buy her some chocolate. "We should probably move."

"Yeah thank Gods this school doesn't have cameras." I pulled her up onto her feet and we rushed inside sneaking up to her locker. "How was the date with Cole?"

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