35 Full Moon: Different rules for every Were

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I have never seen anything like it.

Elektra's rage was seen in her dancing. Whatever point she was making to the human girl Louisa definitely went through when she did a full on back flip up in mid air over the crowd. It caused her to miss a few steps on the game which meant losing points but Louisa was so stunned she accidently stumbled and down making her lose the game. Now Cole, Olivia and I are watching her strut away proudly to the car.

"You're such a show off." Olivia said to her and Elektra stuck her nose in the air in a snobby way.

"She challenged me."

"She didn't know what she was getting into!"

"Her own fault." Elektra whispered then stared off at the sunset and her smirk shifted into a frown.

'What's wrong?' I asked her through the mind link.

"Full moon tonight." She said. "I've always loved the full moon because it's when everyone goes hyper." She added staring at me curling her lips in. "Hint hint."

"Ladies if the guy is too lazy to pull his own pants up don't look at him as boy material." Olivia said randomly and Elektra whipped her head some guy walking past. His pants in the usual style of hanging below his ass.

"Oi!" Elektra shouted at him. "Pull your pants up." And the guy turned around and pulled his pants up to his stomach.

"Better Elektra?" He shouted back and Olivia started laughing whilst Elektra bothered me by saying. "Kinky." Then she looked at Olivia confused.

"How does he know my name?"

"He goes to our school dumbass." Olivia said and because the full moon gets us were creatures peeved I growled unwillingly. She shouldn't be saying that about Elektra...

"Phew... Ok well I'm beat!" Elektra said staring up at the sky her bottom lip trembling. "I'll see you tomorrow at school Olivia." She ran over and hugged her for a few moments before holding her back by her shoulders.

Olivia sighed. "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Luke," She paused. "Goodnight Cole... Actually would you mind if you walked me to my car guys?" She asked and Cole leaped to the opportunity. No!

"Gladly." He linked his arms with Olivia's and she gasped.

"No way back off!" She smacked him upside the head and then she screamed in pain. "What the fuck?" Hitting a werewolf is a bad idea for any human. Especially a girl... Not meaning to be sexist or anything. "Ouch... You have a hard head. Which is stupid because your skull has no brain to protect!"

"It's not my fault you're so weak." Cole purred and then she kneed him in his jewels. I felt his pain because for reason all male wolves are affected when hit down there. Doesn't matter what you are. He groaned and fell to his knees belting over in pain. "Ow." He whimpered.

"That's what you get." She said and Elektra giggled covering her mouth.

I looked at Elektra. "That's not funny."

"I know." She said then turned around so she could laugh some more.



Great now I'm all feverish and it's not because of the heat in the car. Were cats don't really shift until midnight on a full moon but they still get the before hand symptoms. Like grouchiness or something.

"Hey you Ok?" Cole asked me from the back and I nodded at him whilst Luke reached over and held my hand. "Good now just drop me off here and I'll run home." He said and Luke stopped the car so Cole could run out into the forest. But just before he did Luke called out to him. "Cole! Don't tell anyone." He ordered and Cole nodded before running off into the trees. Finally one less pooch to worry about.

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