14 What's he doing in my room?

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"Thanks, Claire for getting me out of trouble in class." Yes, thank you for making a clone of me so no one knew I wasn't at school. But why did you have to make my clone have orange eyes!!!?

"You know you look so much better with orange eyes." She said. I'm going to ignore that comment.

"Do anything to my eyes and I'll dye your hair purple." I threatened and she screamed so loud my ears burst. Me Ow! "Stop it!" She silenced immediately. I parked my car in the garage and we headed inside my house. Why do I have this sudden urge to run? Because Elektra you're on hyper mode Duh! It's been so long since I've been hunting. "I'm going to see Sarah you want to come?" I said walking to my bedroom.

"Like TOT TALLY!" She squealed which hurt my ears. She's like a sugar-high 10-year-old. I shrugged off my uniform and slipped on some designer jeans and a black Dolce&Gabbana T-shirt. I grabbed my favourite black wedge knee-high boots and reached for my phone. I dialed Sarah's number and she picked up after two rings.

"Meow!" She said.

"Meow I'm coming to the hotel see you in ten minutes."

"Cool Meow!"




9:00 pm

All my friends and Deviline sat in the living room watching The Mentalist on T.V. I was waiting for Cole to return. Where the heck is he? I hung around leaning against the white wall in the corner of the room watching the door. I want to know about Elektra what she's like at school... Why isn't he back yet!?

"Luke sit with me," Deviline demanded as she patted the spot next to her on the couch. Did it just get cold in this room? No, that's her glare it's like she's reading my mind or something that look she gives... it scares me.

"No thanks, I'm good standing," I said trying to sound confident which is hard when a creepy girl is staring at you, as if you were a chew toy she could easily tear apart. I've seen her do it to a Barbie doll that poor doll. She kept her gaze on me even though I was not looking at her I could feel her eyes glaring at me. The whole room tensed up. I'm getting out of here. I wonder if Elektra's home yet. Wow her name! I love it! She's like a Greek Goddess or something. I wonder what she's doing now... She wasn't home when I came to see her after school. That's it I'm calling Cole.

"Luke relax I'm coming," Cole said as soon as he picked up.

"Cole, where is Elektra?" I asked. He paused.

"I don't know she should be at home... at least well I hope so..." He said hesitantly.

"Cole!" I yelled on the phone.

"Well, something happened today." My heart beat rapidly for some reason. She's fine I'm sure. "This Chic followed an owl into an alleyway! When I came and found her a vampire was there ready to..."

"WHAT!" I yelled hanging up the phone. I didn't bother changing into wolf form I just ran straight through the trees. I have to see if she's alright. Every heartbeat feels like someone was punching out of my chest. It thinking that she was badly injured. Or worse bitten.. no she's alright she has to be! If she can stand an oversized wolf she can stand an oversized leech. Then why am I losing my mind? I heard all of a sudden someone growling oh wait that's me.

10:03 pm

The light in her room is off she is probably just asleep. I sniffed the air and caught her sweet scent nope she's not a vampire. But I have to make sure she's OK so I climbed up her wall to her bedroom window and climbed in.



I woke up not moving when my window opened. I rolled onto my back and sniffed the air. What's he doing in my room? I kept my eyes closed and listened to him breathing. The floorboards aren't creaking. What is he flying? No, he's crawling on the walls. I can sense that he's right above me staring down at me. Don't laugh Elektra. I felt his warm breath hit my face I almost opened my eyes when I felt his face draw in closer to mine.



From what I can see there are no bite marks on her or any signs of injury. I studied her face and pressed my hand against her cheek. She opened her mouth slightly and took a deep breath in. I turned her face to the side to see her neck. I've got this sudden urge to bite that spot... I leaned in closer smelling her sweet aroma. My mouth was now inches away from her neck then her eyes fluttered open. Shit! She turned her head and stared at me.

"I'm dreaming." It's not a question.

"Yes!" I said a little too loud. "I mean yes, yes you are," I said more softly trying to lull her back to sleep. It looks like she straining a smile. She yawned then turned away her back facing me. I crawled across the room jumped out the window and all of a sudden I heard her laughing. What? Why is she laughing? Then something swooped past my head and landed on the window ledge. It's that darn owl! "YOU!!" I growled I hate that bird. Then I heard more laughing coming out of her window. Uh... OK...

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