33 Impossible to be mad at her

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Straight after soccer training, I drove around not even bothering to shower. I don't want to go home, because my mum is playing tea parties with her snotty friends. And I just needed some time to myself to think about her secrets. What is so important that she has to hide from me? Why can't I be in on the mystery life? It can't be so bad that it involves murder although that was an uprising thought earlier on. But no she wouldn't kill anybody. How could I even question that? I parked my car in the shopping centre's carpark then placing my camera around my neck I got out of the car to walk inside the busy people filled place. I thought maybe I could just watch a movie until it's safe to go home, I don't need another repeat of going home and then attacked by a mad woman with a poofy dress. I don't think it's sad going on my own, it's just the movies honestly. I walked heading for the cinema's but then the smell of pizza filled my nose as I passed the food court. Um... well popcorn is overrated... I started speedwalking through the crowd ignoring the glances of others. But I froze when I saw Claire just skipping around, what is she doing? Everyone stared at her weirdly and I even saw someone film her. Uh... I just rushed to the small stall and smiled at the guy behnd the counter.

"Mageritta please." I said then I heard Claire scream. "IT'S PURPLE!" I slapped my hand on my forehead and and hunched hoping she wouldn't notice me. Then I heard some little kids crying but I still refused to look over.

"Why doesn't security get rid of that orange freak over there?" The guy taking care of my order asked another work colleague.

"Well last time that happened she chased after them making kissy faces." The other said and I groaned getting my wallet out.

"I'm sorry Elektra but I have to ask..." I whipped my head up and gazed over my shoulder to see Elektra her guy Luke and that creepy Cole dude all walking to a table and sitting around it. "What is wrong with Claire?" Cole asked her and she sighed.

"Don't you think that if I knew I would have told you the minute I saw you?" She responded and Luke just chuckled beside her. Not that anything was really funny but just because he could. He was glaring around at any passing male and had his arm resting over shoulders to make a statement to all the guys passing by. Well done Elektra you got yourself a good one.

"Hey Olive!" Claire appeared next to me and I yelped in fright. That's embarrassing... and now the group saw me. But oddly enough Elektra didn't immediately greet me with a bright smile she just stared down at the table seeming nervous. "What ya doing?"


"What?" Claire questioned and I pointed to the pizza behind the glass. "Glass?"

"No, I'm going to eat pizza Claire. It's impossible to eat glass."

"Nothing's impossible." She smiled cheesily at me and I cringed accidentally but not like she noticed anyway. She never notices. I felt my school skirt move a bit and I realised some guy is reaching his hand up my skirt.

"Hey!" I exclaimed pulling back ready to smash him but Elektra was already there and she suddenly head butted him. His limp body feel to the ground and it looks like she's knocked him out unconscious. "Oh my God..." I whispered.

"I've always wanted to do that." Elektra breathed then turned to me. "Olivia?" Elektra called out to me and I smiled at her. She beamed back and then bit her lip. "Sorry I didn't recognise you the first time."

"Oh gee that's good to know." I said then added. "I wish my mum had that problem." She laughed which made me smile. I really want to be mad at her, mad that she's keeping me out but now she's made it incredibly impossible. She knocked out a perve for me... You can't be mad at a person who would bruise their forehead for you.

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