17 Posieden's descendant

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I peered through a bush a few metres from her house and I could see her in the middle of her yard staring at the moon.

'Hey Luke! ' Cole said from behind me. What is he doing here?

'Go home! ' I growled back at him. And he stared at me with his emerald green eyes that looked strange in his brown wolf form.

'Sorry, Luke I want to see this for myself.' I growled at him and then looked back at her. I can only see the back of her but quite frankly I like what I see.


She looked at that white owl as it flew right past her head and in the trees. I really don't like that owl. She then picked up something long and shiny up from the ground. It's... a sword!

'What is she doing? ' Cole asked me. Then she ran through the trees where her owl flew.

'I have no clue.' Feeling confused I ran after her and Cole soon followed.

'This what you do every night follow her around?' I growled at him and bowed his head low apologizing.

'This is the first time I've seen her run off in the woods.' I told him and saw her running very fast ahead of me.



Athena brought me to the lake. Why am I here again? I looked out at the lake and found it so beautiful the way the shines on it. How could I have not noticed this the last time? Hoo hoo!

"Athena, why have you brought me here? " Hoo! If only she could speak that would life so much easier. Then I heard a burst of playful laughter in the water.

"Why don't you come in the water? " A female voice said.

"Who are you? " I said out loud searching for anything out of the ordinary. Then three girls with dark hair popped out of the water. Oh, great water nymphs.

"Swim with us Elektra you know you can..." Said one with blue sparkling eyes and she had white lilies in her hair that looked like she was wearing a crown.

"No, I can't and you know why," I said to her in a stern voice. Another one with dark green and red roses in her hair spoke up.

"The king of the ocean wants to test something on you." She means Poseidon. A test...

"How do I know he's not going to kill me?" I questioned standing tall and glaring down at them. They all looked at each other as if they were discussing with their eyes. The third one with brown eyes and white daisies in her hair looked back at me.

"He promises no harm."

"You're in our lake not his ocean," said the blue-eyed one. Hoo!! Athena flew to the green-eyed one and perched on her bare shoulder. What secrets do these girls hold? Can I trust naked nymphs? If Athena can I can. I took off my leather jacket, my sword and my hunting boots and slowly stepped into the water. I expected it to be freezing cold but it felt nice and cool. "Come in deeper." The blue-eyed one said then they all giggled and sank into the water Athena flying out to the trees. I walked in deeper till the water came up to my stomach. I didn't know it was so deep. And I'm still alive...

"There I'm in! Happy? " I said then a wave came out of nowhere and overtook me. I screamed and expected the water to suffocate me but I was breathing.

"I knew she was the one!" The water nymphs appeared circling me. The water tastes salty... And the lake can't be this deep!

"What are you talking about!!? Did you guys portal me to the ocean!" I'm talking underwater!

"You're a descendant of one of Poseidon's children." The green-eyed one said casually. Who? What? Where? How!?!!!!!

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