48 It's Ms Wittle Puddy Cat

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I dug my nails deep into his shoulder making him squirm.

"Why are you doing that?" The vampire boy whined.

"To make sure you don't do anything that will cross me." I said staring dead ahead at the street he's led us to. It's crowded so I want to keep a hold onto him so he doesn't try anything.

"Who said you could even speak anyway?" Luke growled harshly. The vampire boy gulped looking away from him frightened. But I noticed him constantly giving me sideway glances.

"Are you really a werecat?" He asked me.

I rolled my eyes unable to believe what he just asked me. "Seriously dude how is that even a question at this point?" What is he an idiot clearly I am one.

"-So why are people afraid of Werecats? Do you change into really big cats like lions or..." He went on and I hissed.

"Shut up."

"Are you the panther they're all talking about?" I understand he's curious but seriously why would he take a job without knowing the details? Why would he go after me without knowing full on what I am and what I can do?

"What part of shut up do you not understand?" I snapped.

"Sorry." He went silent for only a minute. "Cats don't have superstrength so why do you?"

"Vampires are supposed to be good looking why aren't you?" I replied back.

He frowned. "That was uncalled for." He said in a hurt whiny voice.

"So was hitting me with your car now hurry up." I growled. Luke started silently laughing to himself but I just ignored him. Maybe I should be a little easy going with this little one afterall he is very young and 'freshly made'.

The vampire suddenly stopped and he pointed up at a far away building. "The top penthouse suite."

"I live in the woods and you bastards get a penthouse suite." I described annoyingly.

"You live in the woods! That's so cool." The vampire boy awed. I glared down at him confused.

"I can't tell if you're being conniving and sneaky or if you're just stupid." I said to him.

"This is all kind of overwhelming." He said. "I'm Tom by the way."

"Don't care."

'I think the vampre boy has a little crush on you. Can I kill him now?'

'Don't be ridiculous Luke.' He's right though the vampire boy is either staring at my chest or at my face in awe. 'The kid can dream.' Luke noticed the boy staring at my chest and he growled at him scaring the boy shitless.

"So what's the safest way in maggot?" Luke growled at him.

"I'll lead you in if you don't kill me."

"I won't take any chances." Luke said. "Not when you almost ran over my girlfriend."

"No I'll tell you what..." I intervened. "You lead us there, we kill the vampires... then we will give you 30 seconds to run."

"Only 30!?" Tom exclaimed.

"Yes I'm feeling rather generous tonight." I whispered scaring the little sucker by revealing my fangs.



"I hate you all." I muttered to myself then took a sip from my diet coke. We're in the cinema now and I'm forced to be stuck between my brother and my bother.

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