22 Camping part 2

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We finally came to a stop and everyone seemed exhausted not to mention smelled terrible because of all the sweat. Meow humans always stink.

"Here we are everyone now lets put our tents up then we can go swimming."

"Alright Elektra you set up our tent while I go for a swim." Scott said casually but with an evil glint in his eye. Share a tent with him I would rather sleep in a coffin with a vampire while having spiders crawling into my mouth. In other words I'd rather die.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed then rapped my arm around Jareds broad shoulders and rested my head against him. "I'm not so sorry to disappoint but I have chosen to sleep in Jared's tent." I said joking of course and I could see Scott disappointment. While Jared laughed.

"Elektra stop exciting my brother!" She grabbed my arm and I let her drag me to a nice spot to set up our tent. We were done with minutes but when I looked at the men they were all still having trouble, well mainly Scott. "Should we help them?" I asked. I hate him yes but Jared is my friend and I will help him.

"I'm helping my dad you can help the boys." She said running towards them before I could object. I sighed and walked over to them.

"Do you guys want help?" Jared smiled up at me but it was Scott who spoke up.

"We don't need help from you !" Jeez what's his problem?

"Listen I'm just trying to be helpful no need to be a complete ass." I stated then walked back to my tent leaving Scott speechless. I'm not completely cold hearted. I shoved mine and Olivia's bags into our tent and when I came out the boys were still struggling with their tent while the dads and Olivia watched them amused. I was about to head in their direction until I heard a rustle in the bushes behind me. His scent hit me like a tidal wave. Meow I have missed that smell, but it's slowly fading away. No don't leave yet! I silently ran following his trail, I never do this. What is wrong with me? This is not how an Alpha behaves but I can't stop myself. His scent has gotten me to overdrive, he's like my drug. Him avoiding me is making me feel sick. Mentally and physically and that is most definitely not normal. I kept following his scent until it stopped at big oak tree. What he turned into a tree? My sense of smell isn't to good in human form. A fresh green leaf landed lightly on my head so I looked up to see a giant black wolf falling from the sky. I should move but I'm interested into seeing what he will do. His big furry paws pushed down on my chest and my head slammed to the ground. It didn't hurt that much and I can easily push him off me. "You wolves like to play rough." I said smiling up at him but moving myself in a more comfortable position. He growled at my movement showing his gleaming white fangs and my smile slowly slipped away. So this is how it's going to be? We're going to be enemies? No way not on my watch. I cupped his cheek with my hand and he gave me a blank expression. Sort of leaning into it enjoy the feeling hesitantly. "What did I do?" I asked honestly and he looked at me confused moving his head to the side. Then he did the unthinkable he licked me from the bottom of my neck to my the top of my cheek so I shoved him off me. "Ewe you dog!" I shouted wiping his slobber off my face. I heard him huff which was probably his attempt to laugh. "I would say that I've missed you so much but now I'm having second thoughts." I said and glared playfully at him then grabbed him in for a hug. I've missed this mutt I can't help myself. His scent drives me insane, think about the best delicious smell and a gorgeous being with it. I bet your mouth would be watering too. He froze on the spot before he eventually stuck his snout in my hair breathing in my scent like I was breathing in his. I pulled back reluctantly and gazed up at him. "Who am I kidding I have been freaking out. When you never came." What? I'm just being honest. He gazed at me wide eyed then showed a Wolfy grin. I took a step back just for caution which only tempted him more so he followed my movements. "Don't. Even. Think about it." His long slobbery tongue licked me again and I squealed in disgust. "Ewww!" I slapped his snout playfully. "Bad dog!" I teased and he growled at me but I am not fooled. I growled back at him but with my human mouth it came out funny. "Let's go for a walk." I suggested and walked around him not bothering to wait for him. After countless seconds he ended walking beside me. I smiled at him and he licked his furry lips. As cute as he is in his wolf form I wish he would be himself. So we can actually talk, he knows the truth and he's still in his wolf form. He can't possibly think I'm a threat like his Alpha says. Especially not a threat to him. I shook the thought away and we walked in comfortable silence. Again this would be easier if he could start up a conversation.

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