18 Luke meets Adrian

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"Olivia, have you got your camera?" I whispered and she held it up.

"Have you got Scott's underwear?" She asked trying to hold back her laughter. I nodded and held his boxers in the air. I've already humiliated him once but this is for every other poor mortal that he has picked on. We walked to his locker and I taped his underwear on to it then we quickly hid around the corner and waited for him to come. Hehehe.

"Here he comes and he's not alone." Olivia whispered. She's right all his friends including Jared and Matt were with and they were the first ones to notice. Scott's goofy grin wiped away and all his friends cracked up. Meow!

" Victory is ours." I whispered then Olivia took a few pictures then we ran to our lockers laughing our heads off.

"Did you see his face? " Olivia asked. No sound was coming out of her mouth while she was laughing so she started clapping.

"Olivia you like a retarded seal." And she playfully glared at me. I noticed someone walking towards us so I turned my head in their direction expecting Scott to be coming way but no it's Cole. "Hey Cole! " I said and Olivia finally calmed down.

"Sup Elektra... " He stood in front of Olivia and smiled lazily at her. Oh no. "Hello I'm Cole." He said sticking out his hand. Olivia took it but stayed silent. "Aren't you going to tell me your name? "

"No I'm just going to go to class." She said then walked off. Cole watched as she left so I cleared my throat to get his attention.

"How are you Cole? " I asked trying to hold in my fit of giggles. After seeing his creepy wolf grin it's hard not think about when he smiles.

"I'm fine. Did you have fun on Saturday night?" He asked innocently. I thought about the event that night which ends with me and Luke together for the entire night.

"I did actually I bet Scott had a very interesting birthday." That earned a chuckle.

"I'm sure he did. Anything else happen? " He questioned. Why is he so curious? Did Luke put him up to this.

"What ever to you mean? " I asked my turn to act innocent.

"I am Luke's best friend so it's my job to look out for him." He said holding his head high as he walked me to my class.

"Well aren't you a good friend."

"Hey! Hey! Not to loud I have a reputation to uphold." He looked around him to make sure no one was listening. I laughed and elbowed him. He yelped and rubbed his sore arm. Oops hit him a little to hard but he shook it off and reached for something in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and laughed at it. "Look at what your friend posted." He showed me his phone and it's a picture of Scott in front of his locker holding his boxer shorts

"That's my girl! " I said.

"What is her name?" Cole asked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't even bother she's not interested."

"Nonsense every girl wants a piece of this." He said gesturing to himself. Oh boy... I shook my head at him.

"I have nothing to say to that."


"So you're saying you believe in vampires." I teased Olivia. She gave me an unsure look.

"Well these recent deaths... bodies found with no blood I mean you've got to understand my suspicions. Plus you draw all this stuff all the time especially werewolves and cat people."

"Were cats."

"Exactly you have rubbed off on me you are obsessed with were cats and werewolves and now you've got me into them." She sighed as she parked her car into her drive way.

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