45 The Devil kissed the wolf

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"You can't just freely go around asking me that! What the hell is the matter with you?" I hissed at her quietly as I dragged her by her arm ignoring the furious protests from the cheerleader I just spat on. I'm so shocked it's not even funny and how stupid can she be with saying it out loud like that. That is idiocy itself. Would you go up to a demon and call it out knowing it could tear your head off with its teeth?

"You're not denying it. So it's true." She whispered and I have to say this attention from her has me a little flattered. But I was hoping when I noticed her walking up to me with an expression full of determination that this conversation would be us planning a date. Can't blame me for thinking that but then again she likes some mortal boy. I held back the growl.

"Would you find me ten times more attractive if I said I was?" I asked her smirking and she scowled trying to pull her arm free to probably hit me with so I held onto it tighter pulling her well away from other people to the carpark.

She said her beautiful big blue eyes shining "I'm serious! Luke is one so you must be one to right? Or least just friends with one."

"Where did this even come from? It's only 10:30 in morning."

"What's time got to do with it?" She questioned confused. I shrugged.

"Nothing I guess..."

"Well then are you or aren't you?" She asked. She stayed focused on me and I looked around to make sure nobody is listening.

"What?" I mocked. She narrowed her eyes and creased her brow looking up at me angrily. "Tsk you're so adorable."

"Cole!" She yelled out fustrated. Damn would it be wrong to kiss her right now? I shook my head telling myself to stay focused. Work now fantasise later in maths.

"I don't have to tell you anything but since you're so kind and caring..." I ridiculed. She rolled her eyes. "Yes Olivia I am." I just huffed and puffed and blew her mind. I almost chuckled at my own little wolf pun jee maybe I am a little narcasistic. I can tell she's trying to control her excitement because the tiniest hint of a smile is showing.

"Come on." I encouraged.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Smile for me. You know you want to." She scoffed but then smiled anyway.

"Elektra is a Werecat, Claire is Claire and Luke is a werewolf."

"How did you find this out?"

"I called her and she told me also I think she might be in danger."

"Where is she?" Luke is freaking out. He says Adrian just took her away and he's afraid where and what he's going to do with her and I feel like he's not thinking straight with the silver infused in his body. And he's threatening to get up and find her damaging his leg more.

"I don't know." She said annoyingly. "I thought you would."

"I'm not her bodyguard Olivia."

"Excuse me for thinking you were good for something." She spat. I chuckled unamused.

"Just stay out of this as much as you possibly can. The Pack doesn't often obey the law of not killing humans."

"I think I can take care of myself."

"Not against a wolf pack or a coven of vampires, two royal powerful wizards and not against a Werecat. Although if you are going to pick sides I hear Elektra needs some help?" I spat and she gazed up at me hurt but mostly just fustrated.



I'm standing at the end of the first staircase so I'm hidden from view and can quickly run up if Logan decides to ascend the other one.

The Werepanther | Meow I Love That WolfWhere stories live. Discover now