11 If We Ever Meet Again...

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"I really, really, really don't want to do this." I whispered.

Olivia took my hand in hers as Claire jumped up and down in pure joy. "Come on... I have never done this with a girl either. I'm sure it will be fine."

"There's a reason why I rejected Claire." Claire didn't seem to hear that part and squealed silently to herself.

Olivia kept pushing it. "Just this once. Just to try it out and test the limits. If we get to uncomfortable we'll call it a day."

"It's just... I don't like it and just because other girls are doing it, it doesn't mean we have to."

"Oh stop treating it as if I'm asking for sex Elektra I just want to go shopping."

That was THE signal for Claire for her to scream, "Shopping!!!"

"Watch it on the S word." I mockingly panicked. "We have a child among us." I gestured to Claire who looked longingly at the shopping centre in its triple storey, bland and modern styled glory, but wouldn't move until given permission, like an excited trained puppy. Bless her. "Go on girl, go, go!" She bolted in her orange stilettos with a glittery gold scarf flying behind her.

"She's so precious." Olivia complimented.

"You think that only because you don't live with her."

"She lives with you?"

"She might as well be..." Actually I don't know where she lives. Claire has just always been there, always shows up when I need her or more likely when I don't need her. Before the orange speck entered the world of commercials brought to life she turned around and waved her arms spastically at us. She wanted us to follow and so despite my better judgement we did and we searched for the perfect dress. Instinctively I searched for something black, because you would never catch me another colour dress. T-shirt, pants or socks maybe but dress, I own many little black dresses. None of which I wanted to wear for Scott's party. If I have to go I refuse to be noticeable, I thought about dressing as a nun but well that's noticeable and dressing as tacky as the girls at my school, I mean I could blend with the crowd but I'd be dangerously exposed. To human hands and I don't want to know where they're been before they clung onto me.

"I don't think I've seen you in a dress."

"Oh you have once. I attempted a little blue dress at my sixteenth remember?" Olivia's eyes analysed the frocks and skirts in the shop we had been lingering around till Claire was satisfied.

"Oh yeah it the tassels. That was cute."

"It was a simpler version of the dress mum had picked out for me. As in I had cut off the millions of bows and ribbons and ruffles and stitched it up again to please my personality."

"Obviously you failed." I said. "Otherwise you would have transformed it into trousers." Her response was sticking her tongue out at me. Then she pulled a simple white dress with long sleeves but would expose her shoulders. It would look fantastic against her tanned skin and mousy brown hair so I encouraged it and practically forced her into the change room. She walked out and we both awed at her in it. It was a sale. And when she went to the counter I rounded on a dress with a white tiger print torso and a black flowing skirt that was short at the front and long at the back. There was one feature on the dress that I liked and was slightly concerned about but there was a zip at the front and when I tested it ran all the way down from the bust to where my belly button would be.

"I love it." Olivia declared. "I'm buying it for you." Before I could argue she snatched it from me.

"I have money."

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