40 Uh who are you again?

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I growled warningly at the creature following me. I know he's a wolf, the scent is overpowering but it's mixed with a cat scent also.

As he came out from the cover of the trees I noticed how golden his fur is. No wolf's fur is that golden...



We sat in the out of bounds area which was us just a spot on the side of school next to the science labs. There's a back door for this science room and we sit in front of it when we need to have private chats. Just around the corner is actually the school's entrance and exit. Soooo tempting but must not abandon school. It's bad enough I'm wagging. The science doors are glass so the class inside would be able to see us if they decided to do an experiment on the benches. But Meow who cares? No one is going to tell us off.

"Wait wait wait... so let me get this straight."Olivia waved her hands in my face scrunching up her nose. "You met him the first day you came to this school. And you never even told me?"

"Well at the time I was unsure of what we were."

"He saved you from drowning. I think that classifies as your knight in shining armour." Yeah... I'm lying to her again. I told her that I was swimming around in the ocean and was caught by the current. And made up some story of how he saved me and all I remember was seeing his face staring down at mine.

"He did..."

"So you got mouth to mouth before the first date." She teased and I giggled. "What happened afterwards?" Uh... I don't know yet... lets see what I can whip up.

"We hanged out for a bit that night but then I don't really remember we just didn't see each other from then on."

"Seriously?" I gazed away from her and remembered the first time where we actually introduced ourselves at that bookshop.

"Yeah..." a warm tingling feeling spread through me as I remembered I first human contact. Our accidental touch of hands that sent firing tingles up my arm. I shivered thinking about it.

"Look at you getting horny. It's disgusting..." She mocked and I playfully smacked her arm.

"You're just Jelly." Jelly he abriviation of Jealous I guess you could say. Claire often says "OMAGODDESS YOU'RE SUCH A JELLYFISH!"

"Oh TOTS!" We both noticed people moving around to the science and Olivia looked at me 'Shit we're doomed if we don't move.' But if I'm correct right now the teacher in this room is pretty lazy. Plus he takes selfies on his laptop. I doubt he'll be getting up to check up on any student. Anyway Olivia sighed when she saw Cole talking to her brother Jared and the bench right in front of us. "Why is he talking to my brother?" Then she gasped as Matt stood on the otherside of the table. "Shit no.... I look like shit! Elektra let's go."I snickered.

"You look beautiful Olivia." I stated and she glared at me. Cole knocked on the glass door and I waved at him. Olivia waved also but he wiggled his eyebrows at her. I smacked the glass which made him jump so she and I both started laughing. "Wimp." Jared came over waving his finger at us and shaking his head. "Oh great we're about to get disciplined by your brother." I waved him away with both of my hands. He's just bringing us unwanted attention and that's when the teacher will get suspicious.

"They can't hear us right?"

"The glass is sound proof for some reason." It's a science lab not a music room... I just don't see the point.

"Well can I just say then that Matt looks HOOOOT!" I slapped my hand over my mouth and started laughing. Matt gazed over at Olivia and his grin broadened. Cole noticed their locked gazes but he smile never wavered. I gave him a sympathetic smile but he shrugged it off as if it were no big deal.

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