10 The Wolves Gather

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"Who is she?" Deviline asked me as she tailed me to my bedroom. She carefree and walking naked as I am used to, me though I have to have a blanket around my waist. The other pack members stared at us, do you think she cares? Don't a damn.

"She's nobody." I replied turning the doorknob. Slamming the door into her face.

"You're lying!" She snapped on the other side as I dropped the blanket to the floor. My room hasn't changed much since I was first brought here. White walls, dark floorboards, I brought in a new chest of draws with etchings of trees creeping up on each other, my bed used to be a single mattress on the floor till I built and bought creating a double, I fixed the lights, added a desk but I didn't bother adding anything else. No posters, no books or magazines or old toys from when I was young. There is nothing from my past to signify who I was. I pulled out a pair of ripped jeans, not those designer ones. These were ripped up by accident. I got underwear and the pants on just in time before the door swung open.


"Who is she? Why won't you tell me?"

"Because it's none of your business. And goddammit Deviline!" I picked up the blanked and tossed it at her. "Cover yourself." She throw the blanket down to the floor and if her breasts were eyes they'd be glaring right at me with a uh...? Cold pointed look.

"You go see her in your wolf form. You're not supposed to do that..."

"She hasn't told a soul."

"You can't be too sure with females Luke. We're conniving creatures. Just because she's kept it to herself for all these years..."

"Y-years?" Wait. How would she know that?

"I follow you Luke." She stepped closer to me, nearing me like she would near a dear. "But I won't tell anyone. I haven't."

"Then what's the issue?" My breathing hitched. Her arms secured themselves around my waist and she pressed her bare chest right into mine. Too much nakedness... "Deviline we..." I began to say but a male voice interrupted and walked into the room. Marcus.

"Where are you Luke!? We're all waiting..." When he saw all anger drained from his face and he wouldn't stop looking at her naked body. I wanted to speak up and explain that it's not what he thinks but I don't even know what it is! He snapped out of his spell and cleared his throat awkwardly looking away. "Hurry up. Meeting." He closed the door on us and I listened to him running away.

"I'll see you later." She purred on my chin. Her hands slipped away, I felt her finger tug gently on one of the loop on my jeans before she sway away out of my room.


When I walked into the hall all pack members, women, men, few children were talking away. We're not a big pack but enough to fill up a room. Small enough for news to spread fast of my incident with Deviline. I ignored them and spotted a few friends of mine to stand with while our Alpha got up on the little stage.

"Everyone. I only need a few of you to stay... All members attending the high school where Mr Havens attends are to remain in the hall, the rest may leave."

I relaxed nodding my friends while stuffing my hands in my jean pockets. "Later guys." I strutted through to the door grinning.

"Luke you stay too." The Alpha ordered making freeze on the spot as everyone walked around me to get out.


I turned balancing on one foot then paced back to the stage standing beside Cole. Still the same shaggy haired boy I remember only with longer legs and a lankier body. And of course an even bigger, smugger smile.

"What's this about?" I asked him in a whisper.

"I'm telling you know." The Alpha answered. I rolled my eyes and shook some of my hair out to hide my eyes. "Those fucking leeches have fucking entered my town again."

'Never heard the Alpha swear so much in one sentence.' Cole said humorously in mind.

"Marcus has told me that they're only coming for that stupid party that stupid piece of shit Havens boy is having and we all know they plan on leaving few alive."

'This much even for him. What pissed him off so bad?'

'Time of month?' Cole answered.

'Which one?'


'Did you text talk me through our mind link?'

"What I want from you." We shut up. "Is to show up at this party and make sure nobody dies except for the undead. Am I clear?"

"Yes Alpha." We said in unison.

"Good." He nodded and turned around dismissing us. Then he suddenly whipped around pointing at us. "Oh and no drinking."


"No fair man!"


"You're there to work not play. Now fuck off I have a headache."

We walked out of the hall and stood at those closed doors for a long silent moment before we all burst out laughing. Cole slapped his arm over my shoulders and began to pull me away from the others.

"Luke come out with me." He whispered.

"Hey if you're gay that's great but I'm not interested in being your man candy." I replied gently asking his arm off me.

He snickered. "Dude please I have higher standards than that." He gestured to my body then flipped his shaggy bird nest hair back.


An hour later I was taken against my will to some café for Cole to do some uh... Bird watching. "We really look like a couple right now Cole." I stated.

"Don't be homophobic bro not cool."

"Yeah but bruh," I emphasised. "You're using me as your wingman."

"I am n-"

I interrupted. "You are."

This is not the first time I've been used. "Well they come up for you, you always turn them down and then they fall for my humour." He expressed his opinion through his hands as well as his words.

"That has never happened Cole."

"But it will." He said determined. "Oh and by the way guess who's been invited to Scott's party?"


"Your one and only."

"I have no clue who you're talking about right now."

"Don't feed me that bull. Your special lady with the long legs and the dark hair. And that cute little beauty spot on her cheek. She may or may not be there considering she hates Scott with a fiery passion but if I could hint that you'll be there she's sure to go."

"Cole I haven't even spoken to her."

"This is your chance to finally introduce yourself. As far as I can tell she shows no interest for anyone. Shockingly not even me."

"Shocking." I agreed dully.

"I know. But hey maybe you two are destined."

"Can we please talk about something else?"

"If we have to. But this is fun." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You know what I think would be a funnier topic?"


"Your love life."

His face went blank. "Touché."

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