52 Do you think happily ever after exists?

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Should I have bought her flowers? I don't know. It's been a long time I mean would she be expecting flowers? No she wouldn't expect anything that's why I should have bought flowers to surprise her.

I scowled at myself for not thinking of it earlier and finally reached her house.

I should have bought her something like maybe...

I froze mid step. What am I seeing? Elektra has her arms wrapped around some other man. As I looked closer I realized he wasn't just some other man. She has her hands wrapped around me.

I began growling at the imposter. How dare he touch her? Trick her... But what hurts me is she doesn't realize he's not me. All I have to do is storm there and kill him but she pulled back looking away so suddenly that new hope fluttered in. Please Elektra, please realize he's not me. I leaned back into the tree glaring at them. Not them, him. I started clenching and then releasing my hands.



"What's been happening?" I asked him keeping my cool but inside I'm fuming and I'll admit a little frightened.

"Just wolf stuff." He ran his hands along my back which usually would make me go weak. It made me shiver uncomfortable instead and I won't be able to stand being in his arms any longer. There's a part of me that's hesitant, maybe I'm mistaking and it really is him.

"Hm." I finally looked into his eyes and held back the gasp. I suggestively leaned forward leading him to believe I was going to kiss him again but I whispered into his ear. "Luke has eyes warm as the sun not blue and cold as ice."

"Worth it though right?" He replied. I pushed myself away from him and out of pure unmistakable anger kicked my boot into his abdomen and he flew back his body slamming into the rose bush mum spent forever on perfecting.

"Are you mentally challenged?" I shouted.

He crawled out and stood dusting himself –back to himself- off. Blonde and annoyingly handsome. "My heart aches." He mockingly weeped.


"Is that an order?"


"Are you afraid he will see me?" He smirked. Yes now leave before he comes!

"I will not ask you again. Or hesitate to get rid of you myself."

"Son of bitch." Someone shouted. Luke knocked Adrian to the ground and punches went flying.

"Luke!" I pried him off Adrian and led far from him. Luke's eyes haven't darkened to a complete black but they're close. I hugged him and he welcomed the embrace dipping his face in my hair and keeping me close.

"That was my kiss." He growled. "Let me kill him."



"No." After awhile Luke's body tensed in my arms.

"He's gone." Luke pushed me back and began searching the front yard like a bloodhound.


"I'm just going to look around." He said running around the house.

I sighed. "Okay."

We can both sense that Adrian left but I let him go knowing this will give him some piece of mind and me a chance to cool down.

I stumbled to the porch steps then I hugged my knees to my chest and calmly waited for him. Romeo and Koko crawled out from under the house and sat on either side of me. They must have hid away when Adrian came, he must have done something really bad to scare them. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I read Olivia's text.

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