34 Easily ticked off at this point

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The whole Deviline thing is making me nervous. I've screwed up bad... Actually no how was I to know Deviline would be hunting at this time of night? Meow. Luke is nervous as well, that's probably why he wanted to kill that guy. Full on murder him for disrespecting me and Olivia. But I think the last thing we need is Luke to go wolf inside this shitty shopping centre with so many people watching us.

"Oh my god I can not catch a break!" Olivia stated as we reached Timezone the arcade and I gazed up jumping at the sight of so much blonde hair.

"It's the blonde blue eyed cult." I gasped pointing at them and Olivia chuckled while the guys stared down at me confused but then Cole smiled in realisation.

"Scott Havens..." Cole muttured to Luke.

"Let's run while we can." I said gently tugging Luke's arm but he just eyed at Scott as he, one of his girlfriends Chelsea and some little boy that looks like he could be their son; were at the counter.

"That's the rich guy... the rich guy you stripped bare in the woods?" He questioned smiling down at me as I hung onto his muscled arm. I giggled and nodding. Me made him ow. Hehe meow.

"The one and only." I said back all nerves disappearing from the both of us. "He's an Adrian without the supernatural power."

"I even think Adrian is rather smarter than him." Luke said and I stared at him in surprise that he sort of complimented Adrian. Then my eyes scanned over at Chelsea's outfit.

"Oh Gods look at her." I said to Olivia and she nodded equally disgusted as I. "Mini shorts and a kimpy halter neck. That's not clothing... That's just casual underwear." I said and Olivia rolled her eyes chuckling. "Am I wrong?"

"Nope I just loved how you put it." She replied. "And I'm not leaving now."

"Oh come on guys I can't be bothered with this idiot." I whined helplessly and Oliva stomped in front of me with her hands on hips.

"You're going to let that weasel spoil our fun, you're going to let him scare you off. Come on Elektra you're better than that." Olivia said and I groaned throwing my head back.

"No, no I'm not." She grabbed my wrist and started tugging at my arm. "You've got to be joking..." I growled at her. She forced me to go to the pools even though he was going to be there and dragged me to his birthday party which of course he was going to be at. Plus I see him everyday at school I think that's enough Scott time for me.

Luke whispered in my ear. "Come on baby let's go have some fun."

"Baby?" I perked a brow feeling jittery for some reason and he pecked my nose. I love that he's using cute names and he's using the name I called him before... Oh gods I've become one of those mushy girls I've always hated. "Alright Mr Snugglekins." I said and he made a low wolfie growl as Olivia and I walked ahead. I blew a kiss at him over my shoulder and he rolled his eyes shaking his head at me.

"Mr Snugglekins?" Cole mocked and Luke punched his arm.

"I wish I changed out of my uniform." Olivia whined.

"You should have just worn your soccer training gear."

"Hell no." She snapped as I placed my hands on the counter next to Chelsea. She immediately noticed me and made a disgusted face. I must have forgotten to take my mirror off...

"What do you want?" She sneered.

"I just came to warn you that you forgot to put clothes on... again." I said smiling then glanced to see if there's anyone to serve me. They probably shouldn't have one person at the counter... I don't want to have put up with her or her tiny weiner boyfriend.

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