39 Battle of the blondes

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He will not use my sister as a pawn to spite me.

There's no way I will let him.

"Excuse me?" I said slowly. He can't be near my sister I don't want him using her for any of his sick plans. He may lie about sexual rumours of other people but when it comes to him. All rumours are proved to be true.

"You don't control her. She's old enouh to handle herself. Besides I can't garentee that even if I stay away from her she'll stay away from me."

"Like me egghead she has taste." I eyed down at his man business. "And expects a bigger package than that scrawny thing."

"You know Elektra you're giving him what he wants by insulting him like that." Adrian stepped right beside me and Chelsea gasped a little then flipped her hair back flirtatiously. She flirts with every guy first Luke now Adrian.

"What is this? The blonde apacolypse?" I whispered and Adrian nudged my elbow playfully. Excuse YOU! I elbowed him back harder and he groaned in pain.

"Deserved that one."

"Oh nah." I said sarcastically.

Scott yelled out. "Ok seriously who the fuck are you her stalker or something?" Or something... or maybe he is my stalker...

"Oh I'm sorry Dumb." I pointed to Adrian then pointed to Scott. "Meet dumber." My pride and joy...

"Haven't I already paid my price must you still insult me?" He whispered right in my ear. I shivered and leaned away.

"Huh? What you paid her for sex..." Adrian suddenly slammed his elbow into Scott's neck. Blocking his airway.... wait no just holding him back no blocking of air.

"Oh my gosh." Chelsea gasped frightenend.

"Calm your tits Chels." Scott said. "I'm not afraid of you creeper. I see you following Elektra around. What is your deal with her anyway?" He sneered and I stiffened as Adrian's eyes flickered a little. Close to fully glowing which means he wants to use his power on Scott.

"Shut up dipshit." Adrian growled angrily but in a low sensual voice. Gods there was always something hot when Adrian used to get mad once upon a time. Now it just runs me into endless shivers of fear.

"You don't tell me to shut up." Scott shoved Adrian backwards. "No one tells me shut up."

"I tell you to shut..." I started but then...

"Shut up!" Scott snapped at me then Adrian swung his fist right at Scott's face and I gasped in shock while covering my mouth. Wizards don't have any super strength or anything... otherwise seriously what would separate them from the Gods? But still that punch looked like it hurt.

"Fuckin Shit." Scott muttered before he tackled Adrian to the ground. OH GODS. Chelsea just stood covering her mouth with both hands but her eyes are smiling. Unimpressive bitch.

"Are you just going to stand there?"

"You're right." She said stunning me and she turned and screamed out. "Fight!"

"You're a fucking moron." I yelled at her stating truthful fact and she whipped around hitting my face with her dry hair.

"Well you're fucking slut." She spat as people started gathering around even Jared and Olivia. Cole came as well standing close by with Olivia and his two wolf friends. Then my sister... Where are the teachers!?

"Oh ok... so now I'm a mirror." I replied and she fake laughed before she swung her hand. I ducked away and grabbed her throwing her over my shoulder. "Cole!" He came over and opened the bin lid for me and I chucked her in.

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