4 The wolf boy

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The girl leaned forward and narrowed her eyes to try and see me so I quickly hid in shadows of the trees and waited a few moments mentally praying she didn't see me. From the silence then the car doors slamming I knew she hadn't and I peeked around the tree again. The wind rustled my jet black fur and I huffed as I watched the car drive off out of sight. What am I even meant to be doing right now? I don't even remember. I just wanted to see the family properly since last night it was too dark to tell and well one of them had a scent that caught my attention. I don't know how to describe it, it was, well can you call smell beautiful? I can't explain it another way but that scent attracted me that's all. I came back today to find the source of it but it has disappeared with the car. With the girl... I can't think about it too much now especially if a pack member is listening to my thoughts. Usually, someone is. Oh, now I remember what I'm meant to be doing I was supposed to meet the Alpha out around here about trespassers. I'm too young for him to really rely on me to be of any use but he says that as his son I must know. 

The oddest part is I'm not even his son, but he has one who hates me, especially when I take up most of the Alpha's attention.  And who can blame him? No one wants their parent giving another child more attention than yourself. So I try hard to keep my distance only I can't be rude either not just because he's Alpha but he took me in at the age of seven when I was bitten by an omega. Omegas usually aren't the lowest of the low wolves but this one who had bitten me just happened to be. 

Now a week ago the Alpha claimed that he wanted me to be the next Alpha when he takes his last shift. His son ought to be next in line, not me. I haven't been a wolf long enough to run a pack of them. I slowed my pace as I felt another's presence lurking in the shadows.

'Deviline I know you're there.' I called out through the link. She stepped out barefooted, her white-blond hair fell to her shoulders, she has very pale skin as pale as a vampire and it looks sort of deathly blue under the clouded early morning sky, her dress is white, dirtied and torn from her recent adventures and she has deadly silver eyes that invade your comfort. No one can seem to stand her and I can understand why. She's like a ghost.

"Hello, Luke." She greeted with no emotion just a dazed look covered her face as if she were dreaming. When I first met her she was pretty but lately over the years she's become more of an animal, more wolf-like even in her human form. She wouldn't mind eating raw meat without changing into her wolf. A wolf stomach can handle it because it's natural I don't know about humans though. I shook my big wolf head at her then continued on pacing through the trees and found my Alpha staring at something.

"Luke my boy, come here." He ordered clenching his jaw as he ran a hand through his dark hair. He was dressed in black slacks and held a t-shirt in his hand meaning he had just shifted back into a human. I stepped beside him and shivered at the horrific sight before me. Dead bodies of people and animals lay sprawled all over the place. Vampires would drag humans into the woods to add to the thrill of the kill, but there must have been many and why would they feed on animals afterwards? "A werecat is here. In my town..."

I gazed up at him confused. 'A what?' A werecat? I didn't think there were any other creatures apart from wolves and vamps.

"Dangerous creatures and completely unpredictable. Bloodsuckers wouldn't cause a mess like this, they don't often tear off the limbs of their victims." He paused. "If I ever see it. That bitch..." I stiffened. He just swore which usually I would laugh but none of this is a laughing matter. "She killed my mate, my wife." For a moment he looked so sad and full of dread. I never even knew he had a wife but he had have to to have Marcus his son. "Now that she's back I want the whole pack on a lookout for her." I don't even know what she looks like? And I doubt with all these bodies she would just turn into a little tabby cat. I have to ask though, 'how do you know it's a female?' I questioned hesitantly.

"It can only be female there is no such thing as male werecat." He said his hands turning into fists. "That's all I had to say."

'But what exactly do I look for?'

"You mustn't worry about that just warn the older wolves." He ordered now behaving calmly. The silence was my cue to leave him and I left leaving him with that bad stench of death. I ran back to the Pack house which is a beautiful old white building and walked inside still in my wolf form. I crashed into my best friend Cole who has shaggy brown hair and big green eyes that are too big for his face. He looks a little psycho actually.

'Where are you going?' I questioned then I noticed the navy blue uniform.

"Not all of us are homeschooled." He said the. Gazed left and right down the long hallway and leaned forward towards me with a devious grin. "Did you see the kid?"

'I got a quick glance at her.'

"It's a girl!" He fist pumped the air. "Is she hot?" I didn't answer. I don't know... She just has a funny smell. She looked pretty awkward in her big school blazer but I never got to really look at her face. "It's ok man..." He patted my back. "I'll check her out for you." He wiggled his eyebrows then started following out the other young wolves my age going to school. I shook my head and started walking to the staircase, I found the door to my room open and so I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. I shifted back to grab my clothes and as soon as I had them on there was a knock on my door after I was met with Deviline's voice. "We can hunt the Cat together."

"Just go away," I said a bit harsh but she left anyway.

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