53 It ends with a Bang

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As if the fates planned for this evening to become dramatic and disastrous they made it rain down hard feeling cold and horrible against Olivia's paling face. The drops hit hard and stung the open and fresh wound in her belly her eyes struggled to stay open until she saw me come into view right above her holding my tawny umbrella.

She began panting heavily as I knelt down next to her, commanding my umbrella to float above us and warmed my hands until flames appeared.


"Sh. This is going to hurt a lot." I muttered holding my hands above her abdomen.

"Big wolf..." She breathed. "White wolf." I noticed her camera smashed next to her hand. For once I didn't comment on how she probably wanted to take beautiful pictures of me.

I looked through Elektra's eyes watching her run as fast as her paws could take her with Luke struggled following behind and tried to shout some sense into her. It wasn't long until she found us: Olivia sprawled on the dirt covered in her own blood while my hair is lit in flames. I look so hot.

Elektra padded over to us her eyes are a worried sapphire blue and she gently brushed her furry snout in Olivia's entangled hair. Olivia's eyes widened at the sight of the giant panther whose paw is big enough to squash her entire face.

"Back away Elektra." I ordered. Olivia is hyperventalating and what's worse her lips are turning purple. No! Purple! NO!

'She's wearing my jacket... I smell the she-wolf bitch all over her.' She hissed.

"Don't do anything drastic El. Olivia needs you." I told her. Luke also in his animal form rubbed against Elektra's slightly larger physique.

'Deviline.' He whispered shocked. Elektra's eyes turned blood red and I read her malicious thoughts and so did Luke. 'She's gone now.'

'Stop lying to me. She's still close I can get her.' She said itching to get her claws out.

'Elektra don't do it.' She didn't say anything she just laid down situating her head on her paws. Luke relaxed and paced up and down behind her. Probably ready to stop her when she runs.

Her eyes are still red. It's going to happen because they have never been that colour.

I worked through the wounds but because I have fire magic my way of healing is a little more painful. Olivia cried out and she began shivering Elektra started shaking. Even Luke couldn't calm her down.

When a twig snapped Elektra lost it and was gone at the speed of light. Rage is just consuming her while I want to properly heal Olivia I have to watch out for my cat as well so I looked through Elektra's eyes watching her thrash and slash at everything in her wake. I felt her feelings, her sadness, her hatred, her guilt. It's guilt that the strongest emotion of all and it's hurting her badly. I can hear what she's hearing, I can smell what she smells, and I can feel every emotion... And at the same time feel Olivia's pain and hear her screaming.

Through her ears I hear Luke chasing after Elektra but no wolf can compare to a wildcat.

Eventually through a little trick with the trees and misdirection she lost Luke easily and never faltered by wasting her time being proud of her ruse. Deviline is close, so close but she isn't running away which confused me and worried me at the same time.

Is this a trap? Deviline must be able to sense Elektra coming she cannot be that thick in the head?

She paused and hid behind a log while Deviline remained pacing on the otherside with no clue. If she doesn't even realise Elektra's right there it almost seems right to end her life.

The Werepanther | Meow I Love That WolfWhere stories live. Discover now