25 the forgotten myth

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I paced over to my closet picking out my favourite navy blue Guess jeans, which once I touched appeared on me so then I side stepped to my dresser picking out a black sleeve less top with a cross shaped with diamonties. Yes I like a bit of sparkle, there's nothing wrong with that. I grabbed my hairbrush and went through the knots in my hair while I noticed Luke in the same clothes I made for him last night.

"I can manifest some other clothes for you to wear." I suggested but he shook his head.

"It's ok I don't need you dressing me." I rolled my eyes at that comment then I noticed him staring at my sword almost nervous. "Can I ask where you got that sword?" I was tempted to say in your room along with my underwear and T-shirt but I think I'll tease him later.

"I made it, well actually I designed it and got a Hephaestus demigod to make it for me." He nodded his mouth shaping out an 'o' which gave me the message he has no idea what I'm talking about. He really is a clueless pup. How can he not know about this stuff he's a werewolf!? He's practically a Greek mythical creature himself. "You don't know what that is do you?" I assumed and he nodded not looking me in the eye. Aw he's adorable when he's embarrassed. Gods I feel like kissing him again because that was my best first kiss ever and quite frankly my only first kiss ever. I put my brush down and leaped over him catching him off guard and landed on my bed, I sat leaning against the headboard and smirked at him. "Come on I'll tell you about myself and where my kind came from." I brought one of my pillows from underneath me and placed it on my crossed legs. And he sat in front of me his legs crossed also and his eyes staring at me hungry for the information I'm about to give him. It's either that or he'd rather do something else with me... If you get my drift. "Alright you have heard about the Greek Gods of Olympus right?" I asked him and he took a few seconds to think about them.

"Yes I know of them. Was one of the Gods Heracles?" He asked. Close enough.

"No he was the son of Zeus." I explained, he was no is half God do I'll give him points for that. "Anyway, Zeus the king of the Gods is a little sexist." As soon as I'd said it lightning flashed outside my window. "Alright was sexist!" I yelled at the window. "A lot of the famous Greek heroes back then were male. Because they were strong or wise and if they were lucky they were both. For example there was Hercules or Heracles." I said getting back to the strong demigod. "Then there was also Odysseus anyway... Someone or something soon created a new species of monster. Beautiful, pale, red eyes, fangs." I paused to let this sink in and also to add more effect. And I heard him mumble under his breath leeches. "Exactly. Those heroes would immediately fall for their charm or their mind tricks. So they ended up in Hades world." He gave me a confused look. "Dead."

"What has this got to do with were cats?" He asked.

"Athena the Goddess of wisdom and Aphrodite the Goddess of beauty and love got together in secret and met with Pan the God of wild. They decided to make their own heroes to deal with the vampire scum. The were cats." I gestured to myself. "They had the designing and animal part taken care of all they needed was someone to make us." I stated and he snickered.

"I'm sorry make you?" He asked smiling half laughing.

"Not in that way you dirty dog!" I slapped him upside the head which only caused growl playfully. "May I go on?"

"You may."

"Thank you." I growled. "So they went to Hephaestus..."

"The God of fire and making things, also the husband of Aphrodite." He stated proudly.

"Oh good so you know something." I smirked and he rolled his eyes. Oh his beautiful gold eyes... Focus! "With the designs from the God and Goddesses he got out his tools and carved us out from marble." I was about to go on but he interrupted again!

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