19 I just wanted to dance

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Finally, it's Wednesday night, the night I go to my dance classes. I do musical theatre, senior jazz and senior contemporary. I just have the energy, agility and elegance to pull all of these in one night. OK scratch out elegance I just love to dance. When I dance I picture myself in a different world doing something exciting. Weird way of putting it I know but that's just me.

I slipped on my black stockings and blue leotard and tied on my black skirt. I used water to sleek my hair back into a high ponytail then grabbed my things and headed downstairs.

"Going to dancing!" I yelled to my mum before I closed the front door. But I felt someone's gaze boring into my back. When I turned around I saw Luke in his wolf standing near my car. My whole body warmed at his gaze. "Hello, handsome." I greeted giving him a scratch behind his ear which he willingly leaned into for more so I gave him a hug taking this chance to soak up his scent. How does he smell intoxicating while being in wolf form? After a few seconds, I let go and looked up at him in the eye. "I'm going to my dance lessons now," I said almost apologetically. He cocked his head to the side taking in new information. "I'll be gone for a few hours." I gave him a kiss on the snout then backed away to my car still looking at him he huffed then ran off and I felt as if I'd disappointed him. He'll get over it. I sat in the car turned on the ignition and drove off.


I dumped my things in the small, smelly change room and headed for the dance studio where all the girls were either gossiping or checking themselves out in the mirror. Like Claire is doing right now, you know I had no clue that people actually sold orange leotards and now that I think of it she probably just manifested it out of thin air. I stood next and did some stretches just to get warmed up.

"Gosh, I look hot!" She stated proudly and I accidentally scoffed luckily she didn't hear me.

"Yes Claire you are hot but that's only because your body temperature is over 100 degrees."

"Exactly I'm hot both ways!" I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror, I don't reckon I look anything special. I think I'm regular looking I don't why people are so amazed I'm just a girl who hates wearing ridiculous bright-coloured jeans and will only wear dark colours. Nothing too incredible.

(Yes I think bright-coloured pants are ugly and not be worn, especially in winter! Meow Believe me I have seen people wear bright yellow pants during winter and I was really annoyed. Anyway back to the story.)

"You'd look better in a red leotard." Claire likes red too greeaatt... I ignored her comment and stepped closer to the mirror, there's always cold air coming from it. I guess because it's a mirror it would be cold but I there's something off about it, I always feel there's someone watching me. Maybe there's another room behind there. I just hope it's not a one-sided mirror.

"Claire I need you to make some smoke and hold it near the mirror." She looked at me questioningly and then smiled excitedly. In her hand, a fireball just appeared. I made sure no one was looking and made a step closer and the smoke flew towards the mirror flowing through a crack. I knew it they had creeps watching us on the other side. I'm joking but honestly, I don't have a clue. "Alright, you can put that out now." I've been here for years and I finally realise anyone could be watching us on the other side. Well, that's creepy.



I watched as she spoke to the orange girl the mirror is soundproof damn! I know this is considered as stalking but I need to find out more about this girl. I'm not doing anything that no one has done before. I just want to see her dance and the teachers here wouldn't let me in. So I snuck and found this room. Elektra started checking herself out in the mirror and she seemed disappointed, what does she have to be disappointed about? She's gorgeous one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. Then I noticed the orange thing... uh... girl holding a fire kitten in her arms. Elektra glared at Claire and her mouth started moving probably telling her to put the cat out. Why does she hang around with a fire girl when she has water powers? She can stand giant wolves and runs around with a sword that I still have in my room along with other stuff she left behind at the lake. The dance teacher who's skinny, pale skinned and blond-haired came in and everyone including Elektra surrounded her as she spoke. Time to show your moves Elektra. She and two other girls grabbed a chair in the centre of the room and sat on it looking down at the floor and spreading her legs apart. Then smooth jazz music started playing she looked up before the other girls did and she had this cheeky look on her face. Other girls started moving hands on hips while stood up and started moving in a way that turned me on. I feel guilty now. I came here just to see her dance and now I can't keep the dirty thoughts out of my head. I kept my gaze on her and admired every angle and wished I had her in my arms right now. My wolf inside me is clawing getting hungry, not for food for her. I need to relax. For some reason watching her has brought the inner beast out. She leapt in the air and twirled around so I got a view of her arse and then she shook her arse and I accidentally growled. Ahh! calm down! Why is she doing this to me? I have to look away but she makes it impossible to turn away. She turned around and faced the mirror giving me a devious look... is it possible that she knows I'm there? She did a shake with her hips just like all the other girls but it was her hips that made me snap and my wolf took over. I walked out of the room breathing heavily and my heart pounding.

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