3 Flash of underwear... Why?

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I woke up screaming in terror and seeing Adrian's face and hearing his voice even though I'm out of the nightmare. I smacked my head back onto the hard ground of the bedroom floor and kept sobbing until I cooled down. I'm safe but it all still hurts and it all still scares me. I can't help it. 

Now how did I get back here if I went full moon crazy last night. It must have been Claire because I have no idea what happened last night which is why full moons are extremely dangerous. You could kill a group of orphans and never know it, you could eat a new born child and not even remember but have that uncomfortable feeling in your stomach. I stared down at myself and saw that I am baby blood free and in a little orange nightie. 

"Thank you, Claire," I whispered. Suddenly my bedroom door opened and my mother stepped in holding my new uniform.

"I heard you screaming are you ok?" 

"I saw a spider." I lied. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes glared at the uniform she set down for me. "Shall I scream in terror again?" I asked her as I glared at it. 

"Please don't." She replied. I smiled then lost the smile as I stared down at my uniform. It's not that bad... I guess. My mother walked out without another word which is normal at this time in the morning and so I forced myself up off the floor kicking away the blankets and fitted myself in the uniform.
It's a new school however the uniform is pretty similar. Navy blue blazer, navy blue skirt, navy blue jumper, black shoes, black stockings and a white shirt that tucks into the skirt. I just hope the skirt isn't too long like time, that time it was way past my knees because my mother says and I quote. "You'll grow into them." I took off the jumper because it makes me look fat and looked down at myself since I didn't have the mirror unpacked yet.

"I look like an idiot." I found my favourite little leather backpack that held my latest sketch book and my favourite black fingerless leather gloves inside. What a chance that I've always loved the shade black so much and now I'm a black panther. I laughed humorously at myself, it's a small lifeless laugh but I'll get my humour back sooner or later. I have to cut myself some slack because it really isn't that funny anyway. I tied my hair back in a low ponytail and flipped it so it rested on my shoulder. I was once mistaken as a goth for wearing all black one time and I said to the guy who tried to pick on me. "The difference between goths and I is they want to make out with vampires while the vampires want to make out with me." The human guy was hanging out with a vampire at the time. I said it as a way to tempt the vamp to find me later on.
I killed him a day later.


I rushed downstairs with the ugly blue school bag hitting my back meeting my mum and my sister both still in their pj's.
"Really?" I muttered. My sister is still in primary school so she doesn't have to be there as early as me but still, it's good to be prepared. 

"Let's go." My mum yawned grabbing the keys and started heading for the front door in big black ski boots and a big purple winter jacket that makes her head look tinier than her body. Old people must feel the cold more, because I'm only shivering at the dreadful memories the weather doesn't really affect me that much. We both stepped outside into the cold winter air, thank gods it doesn't snow here. "Where's your jumper?"

"In my bag." I lied.

"It should be on you not in your bag." 

"I'll be inside anyway so it doesn't matter." I think these little fights I have with my family are what keep me sane. It's good to have that normal at least while everything else is chaotic. I sighed and gazed off into the distance to look at the swaying trees. I guess I'll be exploring that later on today, that'll give me something to do. And who knows I might meet some other mythical creatures out here after the loss of my old ones. Strange enough I do actually miss Aknida. I noticed in the forest something yellow sparkle under the light of day but it was gone as soon as it came.

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