32 Failure after failure after failure after failure... etc

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"Why are we out here?" I questioned Sarah then jumped a little when I saw a spider crawl on a tree next to me. Disgusting things...

"Tilli said she found her out here." She responded shrugging as her bright green eyes glistened under the small rays of sunlight streaming through the leaves. The sun is close to setting and I think this is the time of day I loathe the most. Afternoons bug me a lot...

"Have you seen the tiger?"

"No, Tilli sent me a MLM. (mind link message) I tried sending you the message but you blocked me out." I averted my eyes from her. I put up the wall to block Adrian out, I didn't think the Pride would be blocked out too.


"How do you do it?"



"Oh you've just got to build up a mental wall around your brain. You've got to actually picture it using your..." I paused then said imitating spongebob. "Imagination."

"How long have you known how to do this?" She questioned and I smiled innocently at her. "Witch."

"Watch your language now." I snapped playfully and threatened to smack her. Calling a Werecat a witch is such a huge insult. Never call one that if you wish to live a long life. Because if you do, your life will end before it flashes before your eyes.

"Meow!" I heard Tilli shout out from somewhere deeper into the woods so Sarah and I ran to her. Tilli was kneeling down to some crying girl, her lioness ears kept flickering, her dead straight blond hair was out behind her shoulders, and she was just in baggy jeans that flowed at her ankles and a green jumper with an orange owl printed on it. I never understood her love for flowing jeans... I think they look horrible. The girl crying had her crazy brown locks sticking out from all part of her hair. And she covered her face with her hands... wait a minute... I stepped closer towards the girl and noticed where her left hand should be was just a light grey tiger paw. That's going to be difficult to hide.

"Meow." I greeted her and she gazed up at me with red eyes. Not vampire red eyes just sore tired eyes. 'Tilli why is she crying?'

'She's afraid.'

"What's your name?" I asked her with a soft voice but she straightened up. And seemed a bit more confident.

"Helda." She whispered and sniffled.

'She smells funny.'


'No as in... Oh just smell her.'

I offered Held my hands and I helped her up onto her feet. I took a wiff but she smelled pretty sweet.

"When did you change Helda?"

"About a week ago... I didn't realise what I was... and so much has happened." She burst into tears and pulled me into a hug. I felt the need to say these clothes are dry clean only just to crack a grin but this hug felt so awkward...

"Uh... ok..." I patted her head but one of my nails got caught into a knot in her hair. Tilli and Sarah snickered so I bared a fang at them which only made Sarah laugh more and Tilli to roll her eyes.

"Someone needs to comb off the birds nest." Sarah stated smirking and I rolled my lips in feeling uncomfortable with her hot breath riding between my boobs.

"Ok can you just..." Her hold tightened around me. "Um please move your," I tried to pry her arms off but I didn't want to be so forceful on the timid thing. But then her face nuzzled my breasts and I snapped. "Get off me!" I shoved her away and she stared at me blankly. She didn't say anything just stared at me creepily. "Sarah you're taking her to your hotel."

The Werepanther | Meow I Love That WolfWhere stories live. Discover now