49 How can you hate a Claire when she does this?

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The lights went out and all the girls sobered up screaming at the top of their lungs. The darkness only activated my night vision so I swiped my claws knocking off his head but with all the girls going hysteric I began to get annoyed. I prowled around everyone a new plan forming in my mind to get these girls safely out of here. I shifted human wearing a little black dress and big clonkers for heels and I found Luke in his wolf form sneaking up behind a few other leeches. He's relying on his sense of smell, I watched him pull them apart and part of me actually sick to my stomach at the blood and gore splattered every where even on a few girls.

But if I'm going to do this he needs to be a distraction for a few vampires. He needs to disappear for a bit while I lead the girls out because they're not going to be following a giant wolf, since in their eyes he's the monster. I walked over to him gently feeling his pelt.

"Sneak out the balcony." I whispered in his ear.

'What I'm not going to...'

"You came here with me and you'll leave here with me. Just follow my plan OK?"

'What plan?'

'Hide out on the balcony Luke. Please.' I mentally begged him.

Suddenly the lights turned on and I purposely fell back and screamed at Luke.

'Elektra?' He stepped towards me confused.

'Run.' I exclaimed crawling away from him. He leaped over the couches and crashed through the doors causing many vampires to follow after him. I started bawling my eyes out causing one sly smug vampire to walk over to me and help me to my feet.

"I'm so scared." I whimpered in the vampire's shoulder and he rubbed large circles on my back then rested his hands lightly on my butt.

"There there sweet heart." He breathed in my ear and I pulled away before he could smell my scent in my neck. Unless he knows I'm the cat he won't smell anything... As in literally anything except perfume but I didn't put any on. That may be suspicious for him...

"Really gotta stop drinking." I whispered playing the part and he laughed meaning I should get an Oscar right now.

"Where's the cat?" He whispered to his ally still holding me close. His hands still planted firmly on my butt making me every lingering minute to want to shove him back and claw out his eyes.

"I don't know." The other breathed back anxiously.

"I can't stand this I'm out of here." I exclaimed pushing myself away.

All the girls agreed just like I hoped and to the perverts dismay they all started filing out. I waited making sure they all left the room and sighed in relief that all the human girls are gone although it's not over yet for these leeches. Two vampires are standing either side of me curious that I haven't left yet. My actions before were reckless since there are too many humans in the room.

Well there were too many humans in the room.

"Not leaving I see." The vampire that groped me before trailed his fingers up my thigh.

"Don't touch her like that." We all snapped our heads down to Tom crawling out from under the coffee table. He's trying to seem like the hero I can tell by the intense (hilarious) expression and hardness in his eyes.

However his shaking knees give him away. But this proves I can trust this boy so I smiled at him.

"Tom? What are you doing up here?" The vampire who groped me snapped at him and I noticed on his white designer suit he had a little red blood stain on his collar.

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