42 They took him away!

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He got himself captured by vampires! I can't complain because that even happens to me. But why would they capture a wolf if they're trying to trick the whole pack into believing they're on their side? We reached the building the girl was talking about but she grabbed my arm to stop me from barging in. My plan is always to wing it that always seems to help I have no time for plotting.

"You can't storm in like that." She said as if I were an idiot. Which I probably am but at this point I bloody care.

"I can do what I please." I said calmly.

"You're going to go in defenceless."

"I'm never defenceless." I unleashed my black claws and she jumped a little eyeing at them warily but still not convinced. I decided to go against my instinct. Which would be have plan and wing it but I think I'll make myself an easy target instead. Yes I want to know what the heck is going on. I'm going to let myself be captured. My claws sunk back in and started walking towards the double doors of the abandoned building. "Wait for me here."

"What? No."

"I'm getting myself get captured you may want to be free for that."

"What how is that logical!?" She shouted at me and the vsmpires would have to be deaf not to hear that but we waited a few seconds for an attack but nothing happened. Ok cool.

"It isn't but I tend to use the right side of my brain more than my left." I smirked then pushed her back so she fell to the ground. Claire understood that she was to stay out of my way but didn't really get what was actually happening. Then I froze... a light bulb flashed in my mind and I grinned. "Hey Claire...? I have a favour."




They've been weakening me with silver. Even before they shot me they had dosed me and stuck needles into me filled with silver. No wonder I was so pathetic before. I bring shame to all those great wolves out there. I can see my blue veins clearly on my skin and they've doubled in size. I'm also having trouble breathing. My head is hanging low between my knees and they've tied me back to the chair again. The room is spinning and I'm finding it very hard to concentrate on what's happening around me. But then I heard a voice from the heavens.

"Let him go and I'll let you all live." I looked up but my view was blocked by some vampire woman's ass.

"Elektra it's a trap they don't want me they want you." I scowled myself for saying her name that was completely stupid.

"Let me see him!" Suddenly she was sat in a chair in front of me shackled to the chair. The little girl stood next to me as the other two male vamps and two female vamps stood before her. She's still in her school uniform and the male head vampire with the black hair leaned over getting to close to her for my taste.

"You're a Werecat?"

"She doesn't look like much."

"She's very pretty." The little girl whispered to me smiling sweetly. And I feel kind of sad for her that she had to be a vampire.

"Doesn't matter what she looks like we have her and just in time. Dominic is going to be here any minute."

"Oh lovely another corpse to hurt my nose. Don't you guys use deodorant or anything?" Elektra said sarcastically and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are her eyes so orange?" Someone whispered. Her eyes must be doing that changing colour thing they do.

"Don't pick on me when your face looks like a baboon's ass." The little girl gasped while I burst out laughing. Then I overheard the creepy demon girl up on the legde laughing as well. "Now what the hell is this all about?"

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