24 secrets revealed with a kiss

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I opened my eyes startled by the burning on my shoulder. I looked to see a feminine hand with long black painted nails resting peacefully on my shoulder. Oh my God I slept with her! But just slept, nothing else unfortunately. I gazed up at her sleeping face that lay so close to mine and had to restrain myself from caressing her face. I want to snuggle with her but that would weird her out. She is only letting me sleep in her bed because I miss my own but I have noticed her checking me out. And now I'm kind of in a awkward spot, I need to move her hand off me because this tingling feeling is reaching down under. I gently lifted up her hand to move it to her side of the bed. But she pulled me in and snuggled into my stomach like well a cat. I couldn't help but smirk at myself when she started purring. But this is so wrong... And yet it feels so right.

"Elektra?" I whispered and she didn't even stir.



Warm so warm. I just want to stay warm and sleep. Meow so warm.

"Elektra?" Some male voice whispered but I ignored it and snuggled in deeper into the warm, solid... What am I snuggling into? I fluttered my eyes open to see black so I looked up to see the most beautiful golden eyes staring down at me. "Good morning." He grinned sleepily. I groaned in response and turned over so my back was facing him and hid under the covers, partly to hide from the sunlight and to hide my blushing cheeks. I felt him behind me laughing a little then he moved away and I lost the wonderful heat from his body. Meow I don't want to face the world yet I just want to stay in bed with this gorgeous guy next to me. It's only Sunday I would sleep in more but I can't just ignore Luke. How can anyone ignore a sexy man in your bed? I groaned again and started stretching out on the bed trying to wake the rest of my body up. I pulled the covers off and gasped and the quick drop of the temperature. Shit it's cold! I stood up on the cold floor boards and started stretching my arms and my back, however when I turned around I caught Luke staring at the far wall blushing like crazy. I just stretched jeez do men take every action sexually? Probably.

"Relax it's not like I'm naked." I told him and his face went a deeper red said if that's possible. "You haven't seen me naked right?" I asked raising my eyebrows and he looked at me shocked.

"No!" He said in a high pitched voice. Oh my Gods! I can't stop smiling and I can feel my cheeks burn up again.

"You dirty dog." I said and he looked away from me ashamed. "Hungry?" I asked changing the subject but he gave me a strange look.


"For food." I giggled and he laughed nervously.

"I'm ravenous." He said getting out of my bed.

"Oh I know you are." I stated then looked at the clock. 8:00am ok my family often wake up early. I pray to the powerful Gods of Olympus for them to still be asleep. I walked across the freezing floorboards and peeked out my door listening for my family's snoring. Even my dogs are snoring loudly. The reason why I haven't mentioned them before is because they don't like me very much, you know ever since I was bitten.

"Alright come on." I whispered gesturing him to follow me down the white carpeted staircase and we walked soundlessly into the kitchen. I turned on him and raised my hands in the air. "Welcome to casa le Elektra's kitchen where I give you 5 star quality food and 3 and a half star treatment. On the menu...." I opened the fridge and took out some raw bacon. "Bacon oh and we have a few eggs left." I stared at Luke showing him the food and he nodded in approval. I set up the frying pan and started looking for drinks. "Apple juice, orange juice or water?" I asked and we both stuck with water. Once the pan heated up I put the bacon in and turned away form the stove only to crash into a hard chest. Luke stumbled backwards a bit from the impact but straight away he stood back up tall and strong. I looked up from his chest to his lips then to his eyes. "Sorry." We both said at the same time but neither of us moved a muscle. His gold eyes are locking me in place. I want to move but can't bring myself to step away from him. He hasn't moved either, he's actually just staring intently at me like he's looking deep into my soul. It's one of those possessive gazes a boyfriend would give his girlfriend. I very much like this look and giving me confidence in something I've been dying to do ever since I first met him. "Luke?" I whispered for no reason,

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