27 Giggles, tickles and smart remarks

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My eyes snapped open when I heard footsteps in the hallway. I felt Elektra stir beside me still in a deep sleep. Her back against my front and her head resting on my arm, my other arm somehow ended up around her waist while our legs are still entwined.

"Elektra!" Her mother called out from outside the door and Elektra groaned. "Time to get up!" I heard Elektra silently curse under her breath then she covered her head with the blanket. So I slipped underneath and brought my mouth close to her ear.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." I whispered and she whimpered shaking her head. "You have school today."

"But I don't want to go to school." She whined so I pressed my lips on her bare shoulder and she quietly exhaled.

"Don't make me count to three." I warned and she snickered. "One."

"Seriously." She said her eyes still closed.


"Bring it on." She whispered and I didn't say three I just started tickling her and she rolled away from me laughing. "Oh my Gods! Please no." She giggled when I leaned on top of her. I ignored her cries and pleading and continued tickling her. "Luke please I'm warning you, you are responsible for your own injuries." She squealed trying to push my hands away.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take." I said and we fell onto the floor making a loud thump. I stopped tickling her, so I could try listening out for her family so she pushed me off then sat on my stomach.

"I can't believe how cruel you are." She cried playfully then yawned and lay her head in the crook of my neck. Her hands led up under my shirt feeling my abs then she pressed little tingling kisses on my neck, I groaned having an internal war with myself. She then moulded her mouth with mine and I let my hands lightly feel her back. All of a sudden she did a handstand, pecked my nose with her lips and back flipped away from me. "Sorry Luke I have to get ready for school." She teased and I growled.

"Now look who's cruel." I said and she giggled pulling out her uniform. It made me remember that first time she touched me, how she was undressing right before my eyes. I shook away the thought and stood up off the ground, then I heard the pitter patter of little claws coming towards her bedroom door. Romeo scratched on the door and I looked at Elektra.

"You can let him in." She said then walked into her bathroom. I let both Romeo and Koko in and they immediately ignored me and jumped on the bed to curl into the covers. "Good morning to you to." I said and prepared to close the door but I froze when I saw her sister staring wide eyed at me. Her mouth in an 'o' shape while I tried to form some words. "Uh... Um." She ran downstairs and I slammed the door shut. Oh shit. "Elektra?" I called out and knocked on her bathroom door.

"One second Luke." She said then opened the door all ready and dressed in her uniform. She must sense there's something wrong because her forehead creased as she gazed up at me concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Your little sister saw me." I said and she went completely blank.



Perfect. Now I have to explain this to Kalypso. Ugh! I walked around him and stormed down stairs but I heard a car door slam and both my mum and sister sped off to school and work so I ran back up the stairs and grabbed my phone from my bedside table. It beeped and a message from Kalypso came up.

I saw him. Who the hell is he?-K. I groaned and Luke was soon beside me.

He's my boyfriend, please don't tell mum he was here I'd rather tell her myself.- E.

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